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Ruggero and me are waiting for Martina, we are at her house right now. When she comes out of her house I can see how beautiful she is.

'Finally!' Says Ruggero with a big sigh. 'Yeah yeah! Hey Jorge right?' she says smiling at me. I smile back. 'Yeah! Martina right?' she laughs and hug me and of course I hug her back.

God she is beautiful! We break the hug and sit in the car.


'LODO!' screams Martina next to me. A second later I see her running to Lodo and Lodo to Martina.

Ruggero and me are laughing our ass off! When Martina and Lodo break the hug we stand next to them. Together we walk to the beach first and later we coming to the mall, yay!

'Hmm I love beaches! They are so calm and relaxing!' says Martina next to me, everyone is playing in the water, but me and Martina not. We are walking on the beach. ' me to. This is a nice place for thinking' I said back to her.

After a few minutes Martina break the silence. 'Why exactly baby girl under me photo?' 'Because you just so beautiful and why not?' I saw her blushing. ' And you are super cute when you blush!' she laughs at me and give me a playful slap against my chest.

Just wow! This woman is so beautiful in every way. I would like to see her without make-up.

Okay stop Jorge!


'Oh my god Ruggero! You never change!' Laughs Martina next to me. We are eating in the mac and with we I mean Martina, Cande, Ruggero and me. The rest have gone home. So now I'am sitting next to Martina and opposite me sit Ruggero. Next to Ruggero sit of course Cande. They are so cute together. Just now I posted a photo with Martina and me on Instagram, it is a cute photo.

'Yes I know right! We live together and he just can't eat normal!' Says Cande to Martina. The laugh and I laugh at Ruggero's face! He just look at the two girls and says nothing! Ruggero look at me and then back at his food. 'Ugh I'am still hungry! I need a chicken burger!' Says Martina when she stops with laughing. 'Oh my god Martina! You never change!' Says Ruggero to Martina. 'Yes that is true!' she said before walking to buy a chicken burger.

Seconds later when Martina was gone her phone rang. Ruggero did not wait and takes her phone. 'No not again! Cande Pepe just stalk her! They broke up with each other like a two months ago!' Just then Martina came back happy with her new chicken burger. When she sees Ruggero's face and her phone in his hand, she sighs. 'It was he again huh?' She says when she sit next to me. 'Yes! He just stalk you!' Says Ruggero and trow Martina phone on the table.

'We can go back to the beach? It is not far from here!' Says Martina when we stand outside with our MC Flurry. 'Yeah that sound great Tinita! Lets go!' Says Cande and start to walking with Martina. Some meters next Ruggero and me are walking. 'What do you think of Martina Jorge?' 'She is so beautiful and her smile, oh her smile also beautiful and her eyes to. Her face is just so cute!' 'Oh my god Jorge! You love her! And what about Stephie?' He said to me. 'I broke up whit her and she just don't understand that!' Ruggero laughs at me and trow his empty cup in the garbage can.

Yeah I think I'm in love with her............


Oh this is just bad... My English is okay, I think!


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