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I talk with my family, Martina's family, and our friends. I am so nervous! My hands are wet and my heart is going crazy!

'Jorge calm down!'  Ruggero says to me with a smile. 'Never thought that I will Jorge see like this.'  Diego laughs.

'But hey! He is a daddy now!'  Nicolás laughs with Diego. 'Guys calm down. Daddy Blanco need us now'  Samuel jokes, making the guys laugh again.

'Or you can say the husband has stress because of kids?'  Facundo jokes too. The guys laugh again. Why are my friend's idiots?

'No, but Jorge. You will be a great husdy'  Diego joke and laughs. 'You understand? HUSband and dadDY'  The boys laugh about the joke.

'You guys are not helping.' I sigh and play with my fingers. The guys stop laughing.

'You are really nervous?' Ruggero asks with big eyes and I just nod. 'Since the first time sex, you were never nervous again!'  Diego screams. Some people looked at him weirdly.

'Act normal Diego! Martina's family is here!'  Samuel warns him. Diego nods his head and looks around, with a smile. I laugh at him and shake my head. Idiot.

'Jorge, sweetheart.' I hear a voice saying. 'Mom.'  I say and hug my mother. 'You are going to marry! I hope for you a good girl and not a bitch like Stephie.'  My mother says. The boys behind me laugh and walk away. 

'My son. Is she beautiful?'  My father asks and stands next to my mother. 'Yes, inside and out.'  I say.

My father and mother were on vacation or something, so they didn't meet Martina yet. 'What have you, three beautiful kids.'  My mother says with a smile.  'Sofia looks like Martina'  I smile to my parents.

'She is a cutie and she will have a hard life with two big brothers.'  My dad jokes and my mom laughs.

'Nervous huh?'  My father asks and I nod. 'She will say I do Jorge, don't worry'  A voice says. I turn around and see Alejandro, Martina's father.  'I am Cecilia. Jorge's mother'  My mother and Martina's father gives each other three kisses on the cheek.

'Everybody! It is time!'  The mother from Martina says and everyone sits on places. I take my place and look at the door. I want to see her in her dress. I have seen her dress, but not her in the dress.

A beautiful woman walks with her dad to me. She is like an angel. I look fast at my mom and she looks at Martina with her mouth open. I know that my mother her likes. 

'Take care of her'  her dad says and I nod, taking her hand. 'You are beautiful'  I smirk and she smiles. 'You suit is hot.'   She jokes, but I smirk.

'I would like to now proceed to the marriage deduction. I want to stand up with your requests and give each other the right hand as a symbol of commitment and loyalty. I request to answer the questions that I want to put to you under the law' The priest said.

'Jorge Blanco Güereña, Take you to your legal wife, Martina Alejandra Stoessel Muzlera, And are you willing to fulfill all the duties that the law has attached to the marital status? What is your answer?' The priest asks Jorge and now I am the one who smirks. Jorge hates his full name for him it is just Jorge Blanco.

Jorge smiles at me. 'I do' And he pulls the ring on my finger.

'Martina Alejandra Stoessel Muzlera, Take you to your legal spouse, Jorge Blanco Güereña, And are you willing to fulfill all the duties that the law has attached to the marital status? What is your answer?' The priest asks me.

I smile too. 'I do' and I pull the ring on his finger. Jorge takes my hands in his. 'Then can I say that you are spouse and wife. You can kiss the bride.' The priest says en Jorge press his lips hungry on mine lips. Everybody claps and screams. I break the kiss smiling, but Jorge presses his lips again on mine.

'Hello, Martina!'  My mom screams when she sees her. 'Hello, Mrs. Blanco'  Martina says and hug my mother. 'Hello to you too Mrs. Blanco'  My mom jokes. We all laugh. 'You are beautiful'  My dad says to Martina. 'Thank you, Mr. Blanco.'

'Sweetheart calls us Liam and Cecilia'  My mother says and Martina nods. 'Where are the kids?'  Martina asks and I laugh. 'With Ruggero and Mercedes.'  Martina smiles and nods. 'I need Sofia, my little princess.'  She says and kisses me. 'Be right back'  She says and walks away.

'It is just like your mother.'  My dad says and laughs. 'She loves her kids huh?'  I nod and smile. 'she is a good girl. You have picked a good one.'  My mother says and smiles.

'Yes. Yes, I did.'  I say and look at Martina and Sofia. 

Yes, I really did.

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