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''Here is Jorge and Martina Blanco people!'' Jimmy Fallon screams and everybody claps and yells, they stand up when Martina and Jorge walk in.

Martina and Jorge smiles and waves, before sitting on the sofa. They greet Jimmy and fold their hands together.

''Nice to see you guys!''  Jimmy say and laughs. ''It is nice to be here,''  Jorge says and smiles. ''So I want to talk to you guys! About so much, but let's begin with you, Jorge. How is it going with your carrier?''  Jimmy ask Jorge.

''Good, very well. I like to make music and love the fans. I hope that I will meet more fans en hug them. They are my perseverance!But my where my ideas come from is by Martina.''  Jorge smiles to his wife, lucky his wife.

Martina smiles back and blushes at his words. Without her, he didn't make those songs, she toughs. Jorge gives her a kiss on the cheek and wraps his arms around her waist.

''Martina. You stopped with your carrier, but why and what are you going to do with your beautiful voice?''  Jimmy asked Martina.

''Yes I stopped, why? The kids, they needed me and I had no ideas anymore for more songs, but my idea is to start a YouTube channel and make videos about my life and songs.''  Martina smiles at Jimmy.

''That's a great idea!''  He says and claps in his hands. Not that later he sighs and looks to the two famous people, Jorge and Martina.

''I am sorry to ask, but everyone wants to know it. What happened in those two years?'' Martina and Jorge looked at each other and nod.

''It started when I said to Martina that I will go on a world tour, but Martina didn't me want to go because of the kids. We were angry and started to scream at each other. I went away and we didn't speak anymore.''  Jorge says with tears in his eyes.

'' The next two years flow away like two days and when we saw each other again.''  Martina stopped with talking to wipe the tears away. ''We knew we still love each other. He was sorry, I was sorry and we needed each other. To love. To laugh. To cry and the kids. He missed them and the time he missed he can't get back.''  Martina says.

''Everyone makes mistakes in life,''  Jorge says with a smile and kiss the forehead from Martina. ''And you need to forgive and forget,''  Martina says with a smile and laughs a little bit.

All the people were quiet and they were thinking. ''They are amazing! That's true love!''  a little girl from five screamed and clapped in her hands, making everybody clap. Martina and Jorge smile at each other.

Martina stands up and everybody looks weird at her. What is she going to do? Is she going to leave? Martina smiled and gives Jorge a kiss on the lips, before walking away, to the backstage place.

Jorge kissed her back and looks at her with a frown. What is she going to do? Is she going to leave for real? But when he sees Martina walking back, with something in her hands. Or better someone

''When Jorge left there was a little surprise for me.''  Martina begins. ''I found out that I was pregnant''  The whole public stands up and claps. 

Jorge's mouth falls open, he knew that she said she was pregnant, but didn't know she was for real! Jorge stands fast up and walks to Martina. 

''Say hello to you baby girl, Nicole''  Martina to Jorge. 

Tears were on Jorge's cheeks and he looked at his girl. His youngest child! He looked up to Martina and back to the kid in his arms. 

''She looks like you,''  Jorge says and kiss the nose of both girls. They both giggles, making Jorge laugh. It was a family moment and this was perfect! Nothing can make it better, he thought.

But he was wrong.

Sofia, Logan, and Taylor run on the stage. Jorge smiles to Martina, before giving the little girl to her. The three kids screamed daddy and fall into his arms. Jorge cried and laughed. This couldn't be better. This is perfect! 

After the show, they dropped the kids at Mechi and Ruggero's, before going home.  

They had the best night in two years! They gave love to each other. Kisses, giggles, laughs, moans, and voices filled the room.

The End.

[I loved to write this book so much! I laughed at some comments and you people were the reason for the big smile on my face, but this was not the end of the book! LOL! LOVE YOU! Kisses!


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