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 M A R T I N A  S T O E S S E L

I wait a few minutes till I do something. What should I do?! I sigh. Follow your heart, Martina! Follow your heart! But wait does it say? Wait till he is gone or gets out off this room and say his name!?

I open the door carefully and see Jorge's back to me and his parent looks at me for a second and looks back to his son. They son sit on the chair with his head in his head, crying. He is broken. I am broken.

I take a big breath. 'Jorge?'  His head looks up and he stands up before turning around. His eyes get big and his mouth falls open. When you look at his face you can see it isn't good at all. He has a little beard and he hear is ugly, like really ugly. His eyes are red and wet, just like his cheeks. Under his eyes are big, black, ugly walls. 

Maybe this is the reason why everyone didn't hear anything in the media. It seemed as if he had disappeared from the ground. I was scared that something bad happens to him and that he will lay ion the hospital, but it will be in the media.

When I see him, I notice how bad I missed him.His hugs, his kisses about my body, his presence and especially his love he gave me.

I'd rather jump at him and kiss him, but I'm holding in. It's not allowed. He left me and returned two years later. Be strong Martina! you can do this! Can I do this right?

'Martina!'  Jorge says and looks at me with big eyes, his wet eyes. I see now that his parents are gone. Be strong Martina! 

You can do this!

Play hard to get!

'Hello, Jorge. Nice to see you again.' I say with a smile and walk beside him. I take my car keys, phone, and bag. Fast I walk to the kitchen were Liam and Cecilia are.

'I am going. It was nice to see you guy's again'  I say and give them a hug and kiss on the cheek. Cecilia walks with me to my car. I know she wants to know what happened.

'Tell me!'  She says like a teenager. Her smile is big and weird. 'i said hi.'  I say and her smile disappeared. 'Why? Why don't you talk to him? Did you saw him! He is broken! He is sorry!'  She says angry, like a mother. She is like a mother to me.

'Look! I know he is broken, but I am too! He left me for two years with our kids. Just like that, he was gone out off my life and he can't just like that going back into my life! He needs to fight if he wants me back.'  I say and give her one more hug before stepping into them and drive away.

When I came home I see his car. When I left the house from Liam and Cecilia, I drive to the MacDonald's.  I was hungry. 

I place my car next to his on the driveway and walk in the house. He sits on the cough with his chin leaning on his hands. He was waiting for me. 

I close the door and sigh. After what happened he is still your husband. We didn't divorce after he was gone because he didn't react to my calls and texts.

'What are you doing here Jorge?'  I say with already tears in my eyes. damn! annoying women feelings! His head pops up and I only see sorry and sadness in his eyes.  I missed him. Martina! No!Play hard to get!

Jorge sighs and takes a hand through his wet hair. he had showered here. Suddenly he stands up and walks to me with big steps. 'I want you back.'  He says sweet and looks deep into my eyes. I just shake my head.

I feel him against me. His breath in my neck. I bite my lip. he is just so hot and sexy! How can I survive this! He kisses my neck, shoulder, and cheek. Making me moan.

But then he asked me something I totally forgot to tell Liam and Cecilia!

'Where are the kids?'  He asks with his husky voice in my ear.

'I need to tell you something Jorge.' I turn around and look in his hazel eyes. He nods his head and it looks sexy.

'I was pregnant when you left me.'

[WOEHOEE! Hope you liked the Jortini moment! Will be it a boy or girl? Tell me! Loves and kisses me,


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