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Today is the day that Jorge and I one year together are and he says that I need to make me done for a surprise! I am wearing a dark red dress with black heels, my hear is in a knot and I have no make-up on, only red lipstick because I know Jorge loves me without makeup and I was lazy.

'Can I come in?'  Jorge asks after knocking. 'Yes sure.'  I say and open the door for him. He smirks when he sees me. Jorge has a dark blue suit on and he knows that I love them. 'No make-up huh?' He smirks at me and I nod. 'Come' He says and takes my hand. I just follow him with a red face.

Jorge had blindfolded me in the car and drives away. 'You are really beautiful, you know that right?' Jorge says and I nod. 'can I look?' I say. 'No, Martina.' Jorge says with a sigh. 'Stop asking, it is no and stays no.' He laughs. I asked if maybe a lot.

'We are here! I will help you to get out off the car' Jorge says before getting out off the car. After some seconds my door opens and Jorge helps me getting out.

We walk some minutes. 'Jorge where are we?'  I ask but Jorge says nothing. 'Jorge?!' I say again. I wait for a little and sigh. I take my blindfold off and look around.  A smile grows my face and tears in my eyes. 

Jorge stand by a table with a smirk, the place is full little light things, Romantic music has Jorge turn on and little candles are everywhere. On the ground lays rose blades. This is so romantic and cute!

I see Jorge getting nervous, because I say nothing to him, but just look around. 'What do, do you think?' Jorge asks nervously. I smile and walk to him. When I standing for him I look at him in the eyes, making him more nervous. 'Do you like it?' He asks pretty nervous, what totally cute is. 'No, no I don't like it'  I say to him. He craps the back from his neck. 'Oh, eh.' He says nervously. 'I love it' I smirk to him and kiss him on the lips. 

'You naughty girl' Jorge say against my lips. 'Oh and don't worry about the kids, they are at Ruggero's.' I nod to him. We ate some food and chill with each other. We liked the time we had for our self. 

Jorge left some minutes ago, saying that his car was open. Weird, but okay. I stand up and looked at the view.'Martina?' I turn around seeing Jorge on one knee. Oh my god. Tears escape my eyes and my hands find the way to my face. He is going to ask me?! On this sweet moment!

Jorge looks at me with a smirk and I know this is going to be something. 'My sweet cupcake'  I laughed, about the nickname, through my tears. 'I want to do this for a long time. Believe me a long time!'  He says laughing.

Is this real?

[hihi! LOVE YOU! ~IRIS~]

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