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I woke up in my bed, ugh I feel like shit! Just then I realize that someones arm around me is. I move to that person and see Jorge?

Oh yeah Jorge stays here. I just look at him. His brown hair is everywhere and is looks cute. His mouth is a little bit open and he snores a bit. I need a photo! Fast I made a picture. I move out of the bed, what wakes Jorge. He immediately take my waist and pull me back his arms. 'Jorge' I moan. 'Martina?' He says against my ear. 'I would like to go out bed.' I say back. 'Yeah and I will love to that you stay here, so!' He said back. I groan and move my body to him. Our faces are so close, because I can feel his breath. He smiles at me and pull me closer to him. Now my head lies in the crock of his neck. 'Why are you smell my hair Jorge?' I laugh as I feel that he smells my hair. 'You smell like flowers! I can't help it!' He said.

After a HOUR! I can do my morning routine, that means, shower, clothes, make-up and breakfast. After my shower I chance my clothes and do my make-up.

'Jorge?' I ask as I walk downstairs, I get a 'kitchen' back and see him in the kitchen, cooking? I walk past him and open the refrigerator.

Hmm what should I eat?

Some seconds later I feel two strong arm around my waist. 'What are you thinking beautiful?' Jorge ask me. 'What I should eat.' I said back and take the milk and close the refrigerator. I turn around in his arms and smile at him. Seconds later I hug him. 'Thank you Jorge, that you are here.' I said. 'No problem girl.' He said and walk back to his eggs. I crap my cereal and put it in the bowl. Later I put the milk in it and begin to eat. This is so yummy in the morning!

'Martina? Can we talk about yesterday?' Jorge said and turn the TV off. After breakfast we were on the bank waiting TV. I just stare at the TV and say nothing. He comes closer and put his arms around me. Shall I tell him?


She just stare at the TV, who is not on. I put my arms around her, so i come closer to her. She is so beautiful. A tear escape her eye. I quickly wipe it away. 'Don't cry Martu. I am here and I stay here.' 'Martu?' She ask and her eyes meet mine. 'Yeah.' She smile at me and takes a big breath.

'Pepe is my ex boyfriend. He cheated on my and yeah I know! Last I posted an Instagram photo with him, but we were talking, just talking like old friends. But the day before yesterday I was just angry on myself and walk out of my house. Pepe saw me when I was on my way back to my house, it was late. He just take my hand and take me with him. He, he almost raped me. I give him a kick in his balls and run away. But he was running behind me. I run later trough the woods and fall pretty high. I just laid there and Pepe didn't find me. The last thing I remember was blood on my hand. Then everything went black. In the morning I wake up and walk home.' She said crying now. I take here in my arms and sing a song for here. Yesterday it helped and now to! I give her a kiss on her nose and she giggled.

'I love you' I said to her and she just stare down at her fingers. 'I euhm?' She said. She looked up and then her lips are on mine. She kiss me, again! I kiss her back and pull her on my lap. Her hand move to the back of my neck and mine to her ass.

Later her hands move to my hair and play with it, I moan, when she do that, in the kiss. My tongue explore her mouth, making her moan. Oh god that turns me on. My hand move under her shirt after squeeze her ass, making her moan again. I unclasp her bra. She moves away and walks upstairs. While she does, she pulls out her shirt, with her bra. I run after her and pulls my shirt out too. On my way I walk over her shorts. I pull my pants out too. In front of her door lies her panties, so is naked now. I open the door and she the back of her, naked. 'Big boy you forget something' She says with her sexy voice. I take out my boxers and trow them away. Slowly I walk to her, but before I get her she runs away, to the bathroom. When I come in she steps in the douche.

I kiss her neck and put my arms around her when I come in the shower. My little friend is present.She turns around and I look down and then up. I smirk to her and push her to the wall, kissing her. She giggled when she feels my cock close at her vagina. Slowly I push my cock into her. We moan and having sex in the shower.

After our amazing shower I ask Martina on a date and she says yes. So now she is getting ready. thirty minutes I have waiting for her and she is in a beautiful blue dress. No much make-up and high heels, black. I says to her that she looks beautiful and she blush, making her only more beautifier. I take her to a restaurant and we eat there. It is dark, yeah we showered long, hehe.

After eating I take her to the park. I kiss her and she kiss me back. I need to ask, right now! We break our kiss and I look deeply in her eyes, taking her hand.

'Martina would you like to be my girlfriend?'

[What do you think about it? Let me now! Love you, laters!'

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