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With tears in my eyes, I look at the page. Jorge. Jorge. Why? 'Martina! Don't look at that page!' Mercedes screams angry and takes my phone out my hands. 'Why?' I whisper to myself. 

He is gone. Jorge left me, our kids and his friends. It is two years ago when he left and he didn't look back. He never did! With a sigh, I look up, to my best friend, Mercedes. She was there for me, all the time. This two years, all the time!


'Martina. please. He won't come back!' Mercedes cry. 'you lay here for two years! Looking dead! In this two years, I didn't see your beautiful smile! Martina! Move on!'  She cries. 'He doesn't deserve your tears' She says angrily. 'DO SOMETHING!' she screams and walks away. 

Not that later I hear the front door. 

She is right Martina! He left you, the kids and our friends! He doesn't deserve my tears! I jump out from my bed and this time I did it alone! In this two years, Mercedes came, helped the kids, make breakfast, said I need to shower or something else. Now I know it is wrong! He needs to cry! He needs to see who I am! What he loosed!

I looked at myself in the mirror, in those two years, I have changed. In a good way. My skin is so beautiful, says the girls. The guys said my eyes are browner if that is possible. I smile to myself. My smile. I love my smile. Don't know why.

With a sigh, I step into the shower and do my thing. When I am done I dress colorfully. My kids are by my mom. Normal I walk with them at this time. I do it two years when he left. But they wanted time with grandma and grandpa. 

I walk out of the house, to my car. I really need to visit two people, because they did nothing. I didn't talk to them for one year and a half. They were here for me and for the kids. They were angry on Jorge, cause he left.

'Martina! You are here! That is so long ago!'  Cecilia says happily. 'Hello Cecilia, good to see you.'  I say with a smile. I came in and greeted Liam, who is busy with work. Cecilia and I talked a lot and laughed about the thing the kids did.

'Martina? I know you won't believe it.' Liam say when he came into the room. Cecilia and I look at each other with a frown. 'What is it?' I ask and he looks nervous. 'Jorge didn't send the divorce papers, so you are still married to him and so is your name, Martina Blanco Stoessel.'  Liam says fast and my mouth falls open.

'I am still married to that asshole?!'  I scream angry, what makes Cecelia and Liam gasp. 'Take a deep breath, maybe he sends them but they never came back.' Cecilia says and I nod.

'Where is he now?'  I ask Liam with a smile. 'Here. At a hotel. I really don't why, but it is okay.'  Liam says and sits down in a chair. I wanted to say something, but the doorbell rang. Liam stands up to open the door.

'Jorge! What are you doing here!'  Liam says Jorge harder, so I heard it. Fast I walk to a door, what leads to a room with cleaning supplies. 'Hey, mom.'  I hear him saying. 'Jorge?'  Cecelia says.

'I need to talk to your mom and dad.'  He whispers. 'Jorge? Why are you crying?!'  Liam says and I hear him cry, what makes my heart sad too. 'I miss her. God! Why did I ever left her!'  Jorge suddenly screams.

'I thought it was the best, but every day I feel terrible! I don't see happiness anymore without her! I need her! I love her! I love her with my whole heart! She is any way moved on and lives a happy life with the kids and maybe men!'  Jorge screams angry. Angry on himself.

'I just. I just wanna hold her, kiss her, hug her and tell that I love her.'  Jorge says. 'Jorge I the-'  Cecelia wanted to say something, but Jorge asked something. 'Did you hear my songs?'  I don't hear anything, so I think they nodded there head. 'All my songs were about her.'  He says.

I hear the songs too. They are beautiful, it was always about love, a happy live and true love. It always makes me cry. I love him too.I still do, even he doesn't deserve it.

What should I do?

Come out off this room and tell him I love him or stay here till he leaves?

[Do you like it? Guys! Just a few chapters and this book ends! But then a new book comes online, YOU CAN STILL VOTE! (if you want to vote, go to the chapter called not an update!) Thanks for the 9K! It is so crazy! 9k! still can't believe it! But okay. LOVE YOU! LATERS


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