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'Jorge, what do you want?' she asks me. 'Come on please help me, you are good at this.'  I say to her. 'Fine, but let me take my jacket and bag.'  I nod to her and walk to my car, waiting for her.

'What is your plan?'  She asks. I explain her mine plan and she nods. 'It is small but lovely.' She says with a smile. 'Good.'

'This one?' I ask. 'Nope, She hates that.' I sigh. Why is this not simple? 'A blue one.'  She says with a smirk on her face.

'Why do you know that?' I ask. 'She dreamed about you in a blue suit.' She smirks at me. 'Really?' She nods her head and looks further. 

Did Marina dream about me? In a hot blue suit? Blue is pretty hot. 

'JORGE!' 'what?!' I say to her. ' Finally, what do you think about this one?' I look at the suit. 'Hot' I say. 'This one.' I say and take the suit from her.

'Jorge you need to fit him.' She says. 'Do you have a good size?' I ask and she nods. 'Then don't worry!' She sighs and walks with me.

'What are we going to do now?' She asks. 'Starbucks and I will pay.'  I say and she smiles happily.

'Just a coffee. I need that.'  She says. 'Didn't sleep well?' I ask and she nods. 'A boyfriend who moves a lot in his sleep.'  She laughs. I laugh with her and walk to a table. 

We talked and laughed with each other. She is funny and has a good humor. My friend is lucky to have her, but Martina is better. That's why I have her.

'Martina will love it.' She says when we stand still at her home. 'Thanks for doing this.' I say with a big smile. 'No problem Jorge.' She says. 'Bye Mercedes!' I scream at her, But I get a middle finger back.

When I came home I pull the door open and hear the shower. Good. Fast I walk to the bedroom, to change. When I am done, I don't hear the shower anymore, so I walk fast downstairs. Now just wait.


I walk tired downstairs. I have thought a lot and I just don't know. What will he do when he falls in love with her. No right he had three kids with me and we are about to go marry.

My mouth fell open when I see him with a smile. He has roses in his hand and he wears a blue suit. 

He looks so hot.

'Marina? Do you like it?' I nod with a mouth open. He walks to me, lays the roses on a table, with his finger he close my mouth. The smirk on his face grows when he sees that I blush. 

'You look hot.'  I say and look in his eyes. He smirks at me and throws his arms on my waits, to pull me closer. 'This is my suit for our wedding'  He says with a smirk, making me giggle. 

'He is good.'  I say and go with my hand over the dust. 'Can I kiss you?'  Jorge whispers in my ear, but I was him a step further. I kiss him hard on the lips, making him moan.

'I am really sorry Martu'  Jorge says against my lips. 'Forgive me please.' He says and kisses me. 'You are already forgiven'  I moan. 

'When?'  He says and kisses my neck. 'When you stand there in this freaking hot suit!' I say and moan out loud. 'Good, because I want you right now.'  He says. 'shut up and kiss me'   I say and kiss me.

[Hope you liked it! Jorge suit hereunder! Loves and kisses Me. Laters!]

[Jorge's suit]

[Jorge's suit]

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