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The few weeks flew away like leaves in the wind. So much happened in those weeks. Jorge is back, I have a baby girl and Lodovica talks to me again!

Months ago the girls were here, trying to make me happy about Jorge. I got frustrated and screamed at Lodo. She cried and ran away, just like the other girls. 

Six months ago

''It will be alright Tinita'' Says Lodo next to me, but only more tears escaped my eyes. Why did he leave?! Why? I just don't understand. 

Is there someone else? Some girl who is pretty and talented? Okay, I understand why he left. I'm ugly and so untalented!

My brown hair is dry and sebaceous because I didn't wash it in weeks. I just can't. My energy is empty and I can only cry.

Why didn't he realized it earlier, because of the kids?! I am right now an only-mother with four kids. Yes, four. When he left, just a day later,  I found out I was pregnant. Pregnant with a baby girl. 

''Come to one Martina! Jorge is just an asshole!''  The girls slap Mercedes. The name just broke me more. Hate and anger shoot into my body.

''Martina just ca-''  I stand up.

''What calm down Lodovica?! I am an only mother of four kids! My husband left me and you say that I need to calm down?! Go and fuck yourself! I don't need your compassion!''  I screamed angrily.

Lodo's eyes filled with tears and behind me, I hear gasps. Just now I know what I just screamed at her. 'Lodo I-I''  Lodo shakes her head and stands up too. ''You were pretty clear for me, Martina. I don't want to see you ever again!'

Lodovica runs away and not that later the girls stand up too. ''Too far, Martina.'' With that, they walk away. 

I slide down against the wall and burst into tears. I lost my friends.


I feel too big, strong arms around my waist and a few kisses on my neck and shoulder. ''what's wrong? You do it again.''  Most of the time, when something is on my mind.I stand than with a big mug of tea in front of the big window, to stare out. 

When  I do that. I'm lost in my thoughts and hear nothing. It is kinda funny when it happened because some people see me and tells me a story, but they walk away when they are done.

Easy right?

''Sweetheart?'' Oh, it happened again. Jorge turns me around and puts my big mug of tea on the table. His big, strong arms are on my body and he smiles sweetly at me. ''Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts, again.'' 

''Don't worry, but I wanted to ask you something.''  I see that he is nervous, but why? It is kinda cute.

''The kids.''  I sigh. He saw the kids one time in a week because he was away for two years.  They only know a mother, not a dad. ''I want to see them more and I want to live with you and the kids again, please!'' 

''I don't know Jorge,'' I say and look at him.

''Please hun, please!''  His eyes are getting wet.

What do I need to do?!


School is really driving me crazy and my job too, but okay!




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