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I look at Martina with a smirk. 'My sweet cupcake' She laughed, about the nickname, through her tears. 'I want to do this for a long time. Believe me a long time!' I say laughing.

  'When I met you, I already knew it, you are my true love. The person I want to grow old with, to have kids and to love. Right now we have three beautiful kids, but one thing is missing. A thing I exactly all wait for nine months.' I smile at her when she nods her head.

'And know it is time to ask you a question. My sweet cupcake, Will you marry me?' I ask nervously. She nods her head and hugs me tight while crying. With a happy feeling, I hug her back. I know we have kids, but it is just, for a man, really fucked up to ask your girl to marry you, because she can say always no. Or have second thoughts. 'Yes! I want to marry you!' She cries in happiness. 

I put the ring on her finger and kiss her. 'I love you.' I say with a smile. 'I love you too!' She says. 'Now let's make babies!' I scream, Martina's mouth falls open and I laugh. 

'Joke sweetheart' I say and Martina sigh.

'Okay! You had me!' She giggled and kissed me again.

After an hour we walk back to the house. 'The kids stay with Ruggero till tomorrow night.' I say and she nods with a smile. ' I am tired to walk.' I smirk and pick her up in bride-style, she giggled and lay her head in the crook of my neck.

I put her in the car after walking ten minutes. 'Thank you, Mr. Blanco.' She giggled. 'No problem Mrs. Blanco' When I say that she smiles big to me. I give her a kiss when I sit in the car too and start the car.

We talked and laughed the way to home. I thought she was tired?''You were tired right?' She smiles and shakes her head. 'Joke sweetheart.' She says and my mouth falls open, making her laugh. Good one.

'You know that I am not tired?' she says when I walk with her, in my arms, upstairs. I nod but smirk. 'I want to feel you again inside of me.'  I whisper in her ear. Her cheek grows red and she looks the other way.

I kiss her hard when I throw her on the bed and hang over her. She kisses me back. Not that later We are only in our underwear. 'You are so beautiful' I say against her skin. She moans when I kiss her neck, shoulder, and lips.

I unclasp her bra and kiss her again. I make my way to her underwear and pulls it out. 'After freaking three babies, at one time, you are only more beautiful.' I say, making her blush.

Slowly I enter her, with of course protection. I kiss her hard and moan against her lips. After more than nine months I can finally feel her again, making love to her.

But just then a name came into my mind.

   Stephanie Camarena   

[BAM! And the name is dropped! While making love to his fiance! O.M.G! Loves and kisses me, laters!]

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