Chapter 10 (What about Us?)

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Sam POV'

I'm getting ready for the dinner tonight with Liam and Louis.I wonder why they invite me well they said was they miss me but I know its not just the reason.

I was reading all their (1D) new tweets earlier and its kind of there is something wrong.Their tweets are all about like someone will leave I don't understand.I read zayn's tweet also it said "The stage.The light.The loud noise.The fans.The boys" what does it mean ? I admit I miss Zayn so much.Every minute every second he's the one I'm thinking.


"Sammy its Louis"


I open the door to see louis with a really deacent clothe.He looked handsome.As always!

"Where's Liam?"I asked.

"He's waiting in the car.Come on.By the way you looked pretty" He said with a wink.And I smiled.

15 minutes later then we arrive.There's no costumer here in the restaurant.

"Ahm why there is no one in here?" I asked.Then they looked at each other and smiled.

"Guys seriously are you planning something?" I asked and they stay silent and grab both of my arm through the door of the restaurant.

When we're inside I glared at them and they laugh.

"Sammy we want you to enjoy this night and please don't dissapoint someone tonight okay>we love you bye" Louis said and liam chuckles 

"wait guys what are you talking ab---" before I finished my sentence they leave and closed the lights

"THIS ISN'T FUNNY BOTH OF YOU!!!GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE" I shouted.Seriuosly its creeping me out It was so dark I can't see anything.Then I heard footsteps and its coming in my way

"Who are you?Louis?Liam?Please I'm scared Let me out of here" I said  while walking backward and the person is still walking towards me I can feel it

Then the person touch me I can feel he's a man.The hands are big and its cold.

"Don't touch me!!!who are you ? I will shout here that I'm getting raped I'm serious" I said.Removing my arm to his

"SSShhhhss" the man said

"I'm dead serious I'll shout here!!!!!!!!RRRRRAAAAPPP---" I cut off.My eyes we're closed.

"The lights are on you can open your eyes" 

I opened my eyes and The guy in here was Zayn.

"ZAYN?seriously?You scared the hell out of me.Whats this?whats the meaning of this?Why Louis and liam brought me here?Why are you here?Is this a sort of a plan?--"  He cut me of

"Woah Sam slowly!" he said laughing.

"Whats so funny?Answer me" Its pissing me off now

He didn't even say anything but order me to follow him and so I did.

"Where are we going?" I asked but he keep on walking

He showed me a table for two with delicious food and the surrounding is beautiful there are full of lights and candles and flowers.He smiled at me and  stare at me.

"You like it?"He asked and I was speechless.

He went closer to me and I step backward.

"Z-zayn what's this?"I asked him.

"You look pretty and stunning as always,I missed you so much" He didn't even answer my question.

He came to me and attempt to hug me but I refused.

"Whats wrong aren't you happy to see me?"He asked.then continue."Look ,I asked the lads to help me with this and I hope you like it.This is all for you Sam." He smiled.

After seeing him smile at me.I really wanted to hug him ,I want to tell him how much I miss him and I still love him,I really do.But somethings telling me not to do it.

"Why are you doing this Zayn?"

"Because you're special to me....and I love you I still do and I really do"

I was getting so emotional rightnow.

"But...we're done right"

"I know,I will do anything to get you back I will put an effort for everything that will make you happy.I realized that I was wrong for letting you go and I can't live without you. and I'm here to ask you.....can we start it all over again?"

"don't you see it my tears are streaming down my face again and its all because of you.Everytime my tears fall the only reason of it was you...I'm hurt I really am Zayn"

"Thats why I'm here begging you for another chance I will make things right this time and I will never make you cry again I promise"

I felt his sincerity and I know his serious.I just don't know what to do.The tears are still streaming.But one thing pops on my mind 'HE HURT ME'

"Zayn........Sorry" and I cried hard and run.But he followed me

"SSSammmm wait please" He cried.And I stop running

"Please...J-just  please listen to me...I will tell you the whole reason just please dont leave,and listen to me"

I turned to him.

"Do you notice something in me?I looked terrible right?" I looked at him up and down and he was right.

"Do you remember the first time I passed out?"


"It was because of headache right?Well I didn't told you the truth It was not just a simple headache"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Sam I was diagnosed with cancer and I'm dying"

WHAT? After he said that I broke down with tears.And my joints felt weaker causing me to sit on the ground.He ran into me.

"Why did you hide it to me?*sobs*"

"I don't want you to suffer because of me,I don't want you to see me in pain"

"Zayn I will never leave you in this kind of situation ! I'm willing to do anything for you !"

"I-I just don't know what to do..." He said in a low voice

I hugged him so tight and whisper "I'll fight with you.We'll fight for this okay?I promise you'll get me"

He hug me back and we stand up.

He looked at me and wipe my tears.

"D-don't leave me okay?Don't die..promise me" I said to him.

"I promise,sorry for everything.I love you so much"

"I love you too"

Then we kissed.

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