One: Seven Years Later

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Her laugh was something that I would never get tired of. Not in a hundred years, because it's the sound that I grew to love after these seven years spent hearing it. Her laugh is not the only thing that I'm in love with though.

Her smile. It seems to brighten up any room that she walks into and I can't help but feel as if time itself has frozen from every movement she makes. And when she's finally standing in front of me, after walking through a crowded room, she's still the only woman I seen.

The way she loves. If someone could love with all of their heart and soul, body and mind. It would be her. When she loves, she doesn't love halfway, she doesn't stop in the middle. When she loves, she loves with all of her being and it grows within her with every breath she takes.

Her eyes. Those deep green orbs. Galaxies. Oceans that seem to drown me every time I stare into them, or when she's looking directly at me, but it feels as though she's looking right inside of me.

Her body. Not in a sexual way, because she's much more than just the sex we have. It's the way her body moves when she's walking, or the way her body is shaped perfectly in every aspect. Her body is one of those rare ones where you hardly see anymore. She's not disgustingly skinny, no. She's toned and fit. Perfect in every way.

Even at age thirty seven, she's still gorgeous to me.

"Camila Cabello-Jauregui!" she laughed out and I couldn't help but smile against her stomach. I leaned my head back and watched as she stared down at me with a smile on her face. "You need to stop,"

I raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Why is that?"

She finally sat up and pulled her shirt down, "I'm ticklish and you know that,"

I smiled and sat in front of her, "I did not forget that,"

She shakes her head with a smile on her face, "Sometimes I don't know what to do with you," I smiled at her. "You are twenty five years old and you still act like a teenager,"

I chuckled, "Do we ever really grow up?" that was a serious question but she thought it was humerous.

"Sometimes we have to," she smiled down at her stomach as she was rubbing it. I watched her for a moment until she looked back up, "Becoming mothers is a huge responsibility,"

I smiled down at her stomach as she was rubbing it in small circles. The feeling I have inside of my heart has swollen ever since I found out the great news that was changing my life.

Yes, we're expecting our first child.

When I got the news, I was happy but also nervous. I didn't know what I was going to do and I thought I was going to be a terrible mother because, duh, this is my first time. But, Lauren surely made me realize that she was just as nervous as I was, and that it was going to be ok.

I sighed, "I know, and I'm nervous all the way,"

She reached over and grabbed my hands and I looked up at her. "It's going to be ok, and we're both going to be great mothers," she smiled and I couldn't help but smile.

I knew that once our baby was born, things were going to change. Although it's a scary change, I know that whatever happens, we will both get through it.

I heard the doorbell and I got off the bed. "That must be Dinah," I walked out the bedroom and ran downstairs to the front door.

Once I opened it, Dinah smiled at me, "Hey Walz," she pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back. "How are you," she said once she pulled back and shut the door.

I nodded, "I'm great,"

She nodded, "That's good," she hung her coat on the rack and faced me. "How is Lauren?"

Mrs. Jauregui (GirlxGirl) (Book 2) (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now