Sixteen: The Best Apology

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It's been a few days, and Lauren still hasn't forgave me. It hurts to know that she won't hardly talk to me or make eye contact with me. Even when I talk to her, she gives me one worded responses and it kills me knowing that it's not going to be easy to get her forgiveness.

I fucked up this time.

The police came by a day after, and of course, they questioned me about Louis and everything. I had to be honest with them, because I was tired of lying and it was just digging me further in the ground.

When I asked what Louis said, they couldn't give me any answers. I most likely knew that he lied and told them something completely different to what I told them, but right now, I didn't care.

It was Thursday, and Lauren decided to go into work today since she missed the last three days. I woke up when she did, and I overheard her talking on the phone with Dinah and asked her if she could come and stay with me today.

Even though she doesn't forgive me, she still worries about me.

Little does she know that I texted Dinah and told her not to come, because I had someone else. She replied back but didn't ask any questions. She's most likely still pissed off with me to, and I don't blame her.

It seems like everyone hates me.

After Lauren left, I texted Sofi and asked her to come and stay with me while Lauren was at work. Hopefully she didn't hate me neither. I mean, I had to tell her sooner or later about who attacked her, and I had to own up and tell her everything.

I surely thought she was going to be pissed too, but come to find out, she said that we could talk when she got here. I knew that my sister was going to be understanding about these things, because she did put me through hell for four years, so she really shouldn't say anything.

I heard the doorbell as I was sitting on the couch and I got up to answer it. Sofi smiled at me when I opened the door and I smiled back. She walked in and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. I hugged her back and felt her kiss my cheek.

When we pulled back, she looked at me, "Are you hungry?" I smiled and nodded then followed her into the kitchen.

I sat down at the table while she was looking for something to cook. After she got everything out, she stood in front of the stove and started making conversation.

"So, how are things?" she asked.

I sighed, "Like, in what sense?" I questioned.

She glanced at me, "Like, your marriage, and your life," she cracked an egg over the pan.

I looked down at the table, "Terrible and horrible," I traced the patterns of the table with my finger until I heard Sofi.

"Care to elaborate?"

I looked up and watched her for a moment, "I don't know. My life is shit because of what I've done, and now Lauren won't forgive me and it hurts," I didn't want to cry but damn, thinking about her makes me want to.

"Have you tried talking to her?" she glanced at me.

I stared at her, "Yes, Sofia. How else am I suppose to communicate?" was she being for real?

She chuckled, "That's not what I meant," I watched her and she glanced at me. "I mean, have you tried to sit her down and really talk to her? Work things out? Come to the same point of view? Verbal communication?" she focused back on the stove and I sat there staring at her.

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