Seven: Nobody Else's Fight

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"Stop," I chuckled out as I could feel someone kissing my neck. I opened my eyes and saw a smiling Lauren leaning over the bed. I stretched and smiled up at her. "What are you doing?" I yawned out.

"I'm leaving,"

I sat up and stared at her as my heart was racing. "What?"

She chuckled. "I have to go to work," she motioned towards the clock and I turned to see the time.


I looked back at her. "I slept in again?" she nodded. I groaned. "Damn it," I wanted to wake up and make her breakfast.

She chuckled. "It's ok babe, I have to be there early anyways because I have a teacher conference to go to,"

I nodded. "Sounds fun," I said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes and leaned down to kiss my forehead. "I will call you at lunch, ok?" I stared at her as she was looking down at me.

I nodded. "Ok. Have a good day," she smiled and walked out of the room.

I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. I need more sleep. I pulled the covers over my head and drifted into a peaceful sleep.


It was close to noon when I woke up with my phone ringing. I groaned and tried to find it on the bedside table with my eyes closed. I think I knocked everything off but I was too exhausted to open my eyes.

I finally grabbed it and answered. "Hello?"

I heard chuckling on the other end. "Someone sounds like they just woke up,"


"I did," I yawned out and heard her chuckle again.

"Well, get your ass up because we're going out,"

I sat up and remembered that we were meeting up today. I wanted to slap myself for sleeping so late. "Shit, I forgot,"

"Wow, thanks," she chuckled. "I'm getting ready right now, so we'll be at Starbucks waiting for you,"

I told her that I'll be ready soon and we said our goodbyes then hung up. I quickly got up and started getting ready. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was a few minutes after twelve. I didn't mean to sleep in, but I was tired so it was an exception.

I got done getting ready and I raced downstairs and grabbed my keys. I quickly locked the door after I walked out and went to my car.

Starbucks was only about thirty minutes away, and if the traffic wasn't bad, I could make it before then. I knew a shortcut so I took it, and made it in about fifteen minutes.

I parked in a parking spot and got out. I looked around at how packed this place was and walked to the front door. As soon as I walked in, it was like coffee and pastries instantly filled my nose.

I looked around to find Lexa and saw her sitting at a table with another girl. I smiled as I made my way to them and when she saw me, she smiled and stood up.

"About time," she pulled me into a hug and I smiled when we pulled back.

"Sorry, Lauren woke me up when she left for work and I was tired," she nodded and told me to sit down.

As I sat down, the girl sitting across from me smiled at me and I smiled back. I extended my arm out over the table, "Hi, I'm Cam,"

She smiled and shook my hand, "I'm Clarke,"

I stared at her for a moment then looked over at Lexa who was avoiding eye contact. I looked back at Clarke, "Uh, Lexa told me that your name was Clexa," I watched as she stared at me then looked over at Lexa.

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