Six: Not One Bad Thing

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Dinah's laughter was irritating me and I was about five seconds away from punching her in the face. I don't know what her problem was, but she was laughing at the most randomest times and it was annoying me to the point where I was getting tired of her.

I stopped walking and turned towards her, "What the hell are you laughing at?" I asked as she was trying to calm down from laughing.

She didn't say anything but stared at me for a moment then bursted out laughing again. I was seriously about to punch her in the no-no area and I will be the one laughing then.

I heard Normani sigh as she was standing with us. She took her purse and looked through it then brought a small mirror out and handed it to me. She looked at me, "Look at your neck,"

I was confused but grabbed the mirror and looked at my neck from it. I didn't see anything at first, but then I came across a huge ass hickey and my eyes widened as I heard Dinah start laughing again. I handed the mirror back to Normani then punched Dinah in the arm and heard her instantly stop laughing.

I smiled at her, "Stop being an idiot,"

She rubbed her arm then looked at me, "I'm sorry, but how can you be oblivious to the fact that there is a huge hickey on your neck? I mean, didn't you look in the mirror today?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, I didn't, and you should of told me something instead of laughing like a dumbass you are," I was seriously getting annoyed with her. I've been dealing with her bullshit for years, and I am tried of it.

Mani spoke, "Ok, let's forget this and continue shopping, ok?" we agreed and started walking through the mall.

Normani wanted us to come shopping with her since it was her day off. Dinah hates shopping, and I'm fine with it because I had work later and I didn't want to be at the house being bored as always. It was nice to get out every once in and while.

We were walking and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw an unknown number text me. I opened the message:

Hey! I think I see you o.O

I felt my heart start racing and I quickly looked around. I don't know who was texting me, but I was starting to feel frightened about the situation and I didn't like it.

I texted them back.

Um, who is this?

I continued walking and hearing Dinah talking to Mani about something, then my phone vibrated again. I looked at the message:

Oh, this is your new stalker. I like that red shirt :)

I looked down at my red shirt and immediately started feeling uneasy about this. I quickly texted them back.

Tell me who the hell this is right now!

I was getting scared and I hated this feeling. I didn't know who this was or even how they got my number.

I felt my phone vibrate and read the message

Haha it's Lexa! Look behind you

I stopped and turned around and saw Lexa walking towards me, laughing. I felt my heart start going back to normal and I was about to start throwing my fists towards her for scaring me.

She stopped in front of me. "Oh my God! I didn't know I was going to scare you!" she laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, well try having an unknown number text you saying they see you!" I crossed my arms and watched her laughter die down.

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