Twenty Five: Goodbye

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Song^ Lost In The Moment by NF

One Year Later

I ran my hand through my hair and took slow deep breaths as my nerves were trying to get the best of me at the moment. I knew this day was coming, I mean, I've known for months now, but now that it has arrived, everything seems too real and I can't take the pressure.

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about everything. I couldn't bring myself to do it, but I knew that I had to and that there was nothing else I could do.

It was time.

I heard footsteps up the stairs and I turned to see Lexa walking in. She looked at me, "There you are. Everyone was wondering where you were," she walked towards me and I knew that she could see my nerves. "It's going to be ok," she reassured as she stared at me.

I didn't want to cry. I cried too much for the last few months, and I didn't need to do that anymore. I hated crying, and it seemed like that's all I ever do now and I don't know why.

Oh, because everything was ending.

It wasn't a bad ending, but it was the kind that kept you wanting more but you knew that no matter what happened, it had to come to an end anyway.

All good things do. 

Lexa pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back. I sighed as my head rested on her shoulder and I felt myself calm down for a moment.

We pulled back and I could see her eyes glistering. I groaned, "Lexa, please don't cry," I begged.

She chuckled and wiped her eyes, "I'm not crying, I have something in my eyes," I rolled my eyes as I watched her look around the room. "Moving all this shit makes dust fly everywhere," she looked at me and I chuckled. She smiled, "We better get downstairs or everyone is going to be wondering where you are,"

I nodded, "Yeah, I guess it's time to face reality," she smiled and wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we walked downstairs where everyone was sitting in the living room.

The empty living room with nothing but a couch, but soon that will be gone too. Like everything else.

We walked in the living room and everyone looked towards us, "Where were you?" Dinah asked as she looked at me.

I shrugged, "Trying to collect as many memories as I can," I could see something in her eyes but I waved it away.

"It seems unreal," Demi spoke as she looked at me. "Everything that happened and now it's ending,"

Dinah looked at her, "Don't call this the ending because it's not," she looked at me and slightly smiled. "Call is a new beginning to a better life,"

I shook my head, "It's not better if none of y'all are going to be there," I looked around at everyone as they looked at me.

Dinah, Demi, Normani, Lexa, Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, and Sofi were probably the only things I have left in this world and leaving them seems to tear me apart inside. 

Sofi spoke, "Kaki, everyone has to go through changes and it's going to get better, I promise you this. We're all right here when you need us," everyone nodded and I felt a little better knowing that I still had them even when I'm gone.

I smiled, "Thank you," I looked at everyone. "Thank you all. I don't know what I would do without you because you're the best thing that's happened to me,"

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