Life Before This

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Sitting in her room, Eesla stared at her empty bag. What do you pack for living in a Jedi Temple? Do they have gala dinners at the Jedi Temple?

Her train of thought was broken when she heard someone knocked rapidly on her door.  Whoever it was must be impatient, she mused.

"I'm coming! Just a moment!" She scrambled out of bed to unlock the door. When she did so, a girl with brown flowing hair burst into the room, nearly knocking her over.

"Eesla! Is it true you're leaving?!" The girl exclaimed. Her face was streaked with tears, and her breath in pants from running.

"Well, news certainly travels fast here." Eesla replied, shutting the door.

"Eesla, so it's true?"

Eesla nodded in earnest.

Padmé Amidala didn't know how to respond. How do you respond to a someone who was leaving your life in a heartbeat? How do you respond when for as long as you could remember it had been only you and her and no one else? Padmé wanted to be happy for her, but at the same time she felt torn apart, angry and bitter.

Discomforted by her friend's silence, she held Padmé's hands in hers tightly, hoping to convey some level of comfort. She fidgeted in her seat, afraid of her friend's reaction. Of all things, she did not want a falling out with her childhood friend.

"Please be happy of me Padmé. I never thought I could possibly have a life beyond the palace walls. And now I can. It's not goodbye forever. We can still always be in touch..."

Padmé sighed inwardly. Who was she to deny her best friend's dreams even if it meant separation?

Cracking a small smile, Padmé dramatically rolled her eyes and groaned.

"Who will I go with for those boring diplomatic dinners then?"

"I'm sure Eida or Alluria would be more than happy to accompany you."

"Pfft! Are you being real? I'll be bored to death!" said Padmé with an exasperated look.

The look on Padmé's face was just too much for Eesla to handle. She burst into laughter.

"Oh I'm glad you find this funny!" said Padmé with a huff.

Eesla dried the tears of laughter from her eyes. Of all the things in the palace, she knew she would miss Padmé most of all. Her personality that brighten the dark corners of the palace, her ability to take things easy even in the most difficult of situations. Even though Eesla has heard so many adults telling her that she was gifted, that she would excel and bring greatness to her people one day; deep down she has always felt Padmé was better at handling the best and worst parts of the palace.

Overwhelmed by the nostalgia and memories, Eesla stood up subconsciously and hugged Padmé tight. "I'll miss you Pads, you know I will."

The mention of her nickname brought tears to Padmé's eyes and both girls cried quietly for awhile.

Padmé stayed as long as she could and helped to pack Eesla's bag. She promised to be at the hangar at sunrise to see Eesla off.

"You know I won't miss seeing my best friend for one last time."

"I won't let it be the last, Pads. You can count on it."


Eesla couldn't sleep. To say she wasn't the least bit nervous was a lie. Master Qui-Gon had said she was a Force-sensitive, yet she had never felt anything out of the ordinary.

Memories flooded Eesla's mind as she reminisced life in the palace. Her favourite memories were playdates with Padmé, of rainy days in the library reading stories of adventures in space and other planets.

"Eesla! Wait for me!" Padmé says as she tries to catch up with her.

Eesla laughs gaily as she runs through the gardens. She finally stopped in front of the central pond. Padmé stops beside her, out of breath.

"You're impossible." Padmé wheezes.

"And you're out of shape." Eesla teases and pokes Padmé in her side.

Eesla falls back on the grass, her expression full of exhilaration. She loved free days like this when she could just run free like there was nothing to worry about.

Padmé stood over her, smiling.

"You know Aayla will kill you for ruining that dress right?"

"Come on Pads, enjoy a little. It feels great here."

Eesla sits up and looks at Padmé, who raised an eyebrow disbelievingly. Eesla rolled her eyes in response and pulled Padmé towards the ground.

"Eesla!" Padmé squealed as she hit the grass.

"Go on. Just lie on the grass."

Padmé looks exasperated but made herself comfortable on the grass. She lay there with her eyes closed as the breeze blew over her.

"See? I told you so." chids Eesla.

"You're still impossible." Padmé retorts in response.

She also remembered the Queen's words to her. "You'll be a great asset to your people. You will bring greatness." Eesla wanted more than anything to make her people proud one day. But she wanted a life better than this. A life beyond the palace walls. Being a Jedi could change that. Everything she read about the Jedi from her books told her that they were peacekeepers. If she could be a Jedi, wouldn't she be a better protector of a her people?

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