Dispute on Ryloth: Part 2

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Eesla was inside one of the chamber halls of the Jedi Temple. She was alone, yet the numerous mirrors in the chamber reflected her, making it appear as though there were many in the room.

Out of the blue, a titter rippled across the otherwise silent room. Two figures came into view. They didn't notice her, too preoccupied with each other's company.

Their laughter became increasingly louder, bouncing off the mirrors and ringing in her ears.

"He doesn't care, he doesn't care, he has never cared and he will never care. Ever."

The words repeated itself over and over like a chant, pounding in her head. Eesla falls to her knees, begging the voice to stop.

She opens her eyes to see that her image in the mirror had been replaced by those of the two figures, all of them surrounding her, staring down at her.

"Please...don't go." Eesla pleaded.



Eesla groaned, rubbing the heels of her hands on her eyes as she opened them. Her head was swimming.

"Easy, child. You have had quite a fall." A familiar voice cautioned.

Looking up, Eesla saw it was Master Qui-Gon.

"Master Qui-Gon, aren't you're a sight for sore eyes."

"What am I then? A Wookie?" Eesla looked up and saw Obi-Wan leaning against the wall in a corner, smirking.

"Obi. It's been... awhile." Eesla replied curtly. 

If Master Qui-Gon had noticed the change of tone in Eesla's voice, he did not bring it up.

"Took you long enough to notice me." Obi-Wan remarked, looking mock offended.

"How did I get here?" she looked around her. She seemed to be in the medical bay.

"You fell from the building. It would have been fatal, if Master Yoda had not been there to cushion your fall. Do you remember anything from the incident?" Master Qui-Gon asked, his concern apparent as his eyebrows furrowed deeply.

Recollections of what happened slowly came back to her. For a split second, she debated telling them about the voice in the building, and the yellow eyes. But in the last moment, she decided against it and changed the subject.

"What brings you here?"

"We just finished our last mission when Master Yoda requested our presence. After the bombing, the capital is in chaos and he thought we would need the extra security."

Master Qui-Gon stood up. "I need to go inform Master Yoda of your safety. Obi-Wan, keep an eye on her will you?"

"Yes, Master."

Eesla sat up on her bed, her head was still woozy and she clasped her hand over her mouth, fighting the urge to throw up.

Placing both his hands on her shoulders, Obi-Wan pushes Eesla back down on the bed. "Hey, you heard what Master Qui-Gon said. You need rest."

"I cannot rest. I still have a mission to complete." Eesla argued, trying to brush him off.

"Rest. Being ill won't make you of any use to the cause. You need to know when to stand down." Obi-Wan said firmly.

Eesla wanted to argue further, to ask him to back off; but she was too weak and tired to even think up a worthy retort.

"Fine. I'll rest." Eesla relented.

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