Dancing with Danger: Part 2

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At the break of dawn, Eesla was already up. She had decided to get a head start on her day before the start of her mission. Sitting up on her bed, she sifted through the background of her alias over and over until she was sure she knew it like the back of her hand.

Confident that there was nothing more she had to go through, she got dressed quietly and left. Thoughts of last night's events still nagged at her but she did her best to push them out.

In the hallway, she met Bant, Obi-Wan’s roommate.

"Bant, have you seen Obi?"

"No, he left really early this morning. In fact, I thought he was with you."

Eesla shook her head. "I haven’t seen him at all since last night." Eesla neglected to mention the minor rift that had occurred between them.

"That's weird. I would have sworn you two were attached at the hip."

Eesla felt her cheeks flush and prayed Bant wouldn't notice. Thankfully, he seemed too preoccupied with his thoughts to give her a second look.

"I think he mentioned going to the hangar, but I can't confirm that because I was half asleep when he was talking."

"Thanks for the tip, Bant!" Eesla smiled gratefully before heading to the refectory for a quick breakfast.

When she finally got to the hangar, Eesla saw very few people around. It was still early in the day so the place wasn't crowded, which was a relief because it made finding her friend all the more easier.

Although she wanted to see Obi, she felt uneasy inside. They didn't exactly parted on good terms last night. Tension was bound to be high. Shaking her head, she chatised herself for overthinking. Stop it. He's your friend. He's not going to alienate you.

Entering one of the ships, she couldn't see him anywhere but could feel his Force signature distinctly. She made her way to the deck where she saw light seeping through.

Kneeling at the opening of the deck, Eesla peered down into the depths. “Obi?” she called out.

The next thing she heard was a loud bang and a yell of pain. She winced as she saw a head pop out, a hand over its forehead. Obi-Wan was wearing goggles, his hair a disheveled mess.

“Erm... morning?” she greeted awkwardly.
Still rubbing the sore spot on his head, Obi-Wan removed his goggles. “You’re up early today.” he said in a curt voice.

Eesla squirmed inwardly at his curtness. It felt as though someone had replaced the Obi-Wan she knew overnight. He was clearly distracted and emotionally distant. She wanted so badly to reach out to him, but every time she found herself reaching out she stopped herself before she could; partially because she was afraid if she did he would distance himself further from her. She couldn’t bear the thought of it, much less have it actually happen. So she forced herself to keep her distance.

“So are you.” She pointed out.

“Just checking the condition of the ship that’s going to take us to Alderaan.” Obi-Wan shrugged in response.

Not knowing what else to say, she leaned against the wall, pulling out her datapad to go through the details of her mission once more. She had her mission so well memorised she would likely be able to recite them in her sleep, but going through it repeatedly gave her solace, in a sense it felt like the calm before the storm.

After several more hammering with hisses in between, Obi’s head popped out once more, prespiration streaming from his face. “Pass me the Harris wrench, will you?”

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