Dispute on Ryloth: Part 1

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Five Years Later...

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.


"Or is there?"

I opened my eyes at those spoken words. I was in the Room of One Thousand Fountains, but I sensed something amiss. The surroundings felt unfamiliar, throwing me aloof. After all, the sight can be fooled where the heart cannot. There was no face to this voice. It was everywhere.

"You recite the Code like it's your life."
"But do you really believe it?"

"I live by the Code. It both governs and guides me." I replied calmly.

"So naive."

"And what of you? You have yet to introduce yourself."

A lighthearted giggle filled the air.

"I'm the beginning and the end and the middle. I'm the right and wrong and everything in between."

I opened my eyes. Blinking, I took in my surroundings; my eyebrows pulled together in confusion as I tried to remember where I was. Then I remembered I was in Ryloth with Master Yoda for a peace dispute treaty between the Senator and the Rebellion.

Sitting up, I rubbed my temples. Three days had come and gone with no sign of anyone willing to give in. The dispute was however, the least of my worries. There had been reports of bombings that in the area prior to our visit. While our visit had warranted a cease to the violence, but I had not dared drop my guard. I thought back on my dream, or vision. I had never heard this voice before, but my feelings told me I need not be afraid of it, whatever it is.

As much as I wanted to, I did not have the luxury to sit idly and ponder my thoughts. Another day of debate was awaiting me in the conference hall, and it was one I did not look forward to.


"Who would allow th-this barbarian to lead us all!" The senator bellowed from his seat.

"We fight for our people! What do you do but cower behind the Galactic Senate like the cowardly slime you are!"

I subtly blew a strand of hair out of my face as the two leaders argued back and forth. The past three days had been no different and even Master Yoda was starting to become weary of this argument that was getting nowhere. We could be here for months before someone bashes their heads together to talk some sense into them.

"We will not concede to that power-hungry mongrel-" Ay Kan Tun's words were cut off as a loud explosion goes off outside. Jumping from my seat, I hurried outside. The detonation had set off a large pillar of smoke and the suffocating smell of powder filled the air. The screams of people filled the streets, ringing in my ears. Mothers were hugging their children in fear. The fear... the fear was so strong in the Force that it shuddered me to my bones.

Running back into the conference room, I cried out "Master!". His facial expression grim, he nodded "Go, you must." I made my way to the direction of the smoke, hoping I was fast enough.

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