You're Not Fine

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After a few hours of wandering where Ezra was, Aria decided to visit him during her free period. She drove to his apartment and saw his car was still in the parking lot. After walking up 3 flights of stairs, she knocked on apartment 3b; but there was no answer. She reached for me keys in her bag and unlocked the door, when she walked in she saw an empty room but heard the cooker and he shower on. Not only was the cooker on, it was burning up so Aria quickly rushed up turning it off.

"Ezra?" Aria called, she then heard the shower turn off. And as Ezra walked out, he sniffed whilst tying up his robe.

"Ezra, why aren't you at work?" Aria asked, stepping towards him. He looked up at her.

"Do you happen to have any Advil on you?" Ezra asked, smiling ever so slightly.

"Aww, is my baby ill?" Aria asked, in a baby voice whilst stepping up close to him.

"I'm fine, I just have a headache" Ezra replied, Aria raised her eyebrows.

"Seriously, a headache? Then why are you cooking...well burning soup and having a hot shower? And why weren't you at work?" Aria questioned with a smile.

"I'm fine...d" Ezra replied, his stuffy nose had corrupted his speech. He then walked and sat on the couch.

"When you end fine with a d, you're not fine" Aria replied, laughing slightly and emphasising the 'fine'.

"Whatever" Ezra replied smiling.

"Do you need anything?" Aria asked, standing in front of him.

"Advil?" Ezra replied, Aria smiled before she walked over to the cabinets, trying to find Advil.

"You seriously don't have Advil?" Aria laughed as her hands hit the surface.

"I did ask you for some" Ezra replied.

"Fine, I'll go and get you some. I'll be back later" Aria said, kissing his head.

So, as she promised she went and got him some Advil. And when she returned, she returned to see Ezra bundled up in his bed. She walked over, tilting her head and smiling slightly.

"You okay, because you don't look it?" Aria questioned laughing.

"I'm fine...d, I just need some Advil" Ezra replied. Aria placed her hand on his head and felt his head was burning.

"Ezra, you're hot" Aria said.

"Why thank you! You're hot too" Ezra replied, smiling. She hit his arm gently.

"Ezra seriously! You're getting a fever" She said smiling.

"I'm fine..d how many times do I have to say it" Ezra replied trying to get up off the bed.

"Nope, nu-uh, you're staying and I'm going to make you some soup whilst you try and sleep" Aria said, nursing him.

"What about school? Don't you have English again now? You can't miss that class I heard the teacher is actually really fit" Ezra replied laughing.

"I'll call my friends, they will tell Hackett I had emergency or something" Aria replied, getting up off his bed and walking towards the kitchen. She re-opened the cabinets and looked for soup.

"What soup do you want?" Aria asked.

"I don't want soup" Ezra replied turning on the TV. Aria turned to look at him.

"Ezra" She said, he quickly turned his head and glanced, they looked at each other for a moment before Ezra got off the bed.

"I don't need you to take care of me, but I love the fact that you think you do" Ezra said as she looked up at him, he held her hips.

"Okay, but I don't like the fact that your ill and I can't do anything" Aria replied. Ezra smiled in response but he leant down to kiss her.

"Nope, your ill, I don't want to get it." Aria said putting her finger in-between their faces.

"What, I thought you loved me" Ezra said, pulling her closer.

"I do but you're ill and I don't want to get it because that's when I know you will do what you're telling me not to do" Aria replied.

"You are no fun" Ezra added. Aria smiled and kissed his cheek.

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