What Do You Want Me To Do?

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Almost a year had past and both Ezra and Aria had been in multiple relationships none of which worked out. But it was only until the reunited as authors that they started to fall in love again but they didn't notice it. It was Spencer that did. Or thats what she thought.

"No we are not" Aria declines with a smirk as Spencer breaks the news to her which overall wasnt that shocking considering that it was her involved.

"Yes you are. It is obvious" Spencer replies. She wasn't dumb one tiny bit.

Moments later the room brightened as Ezra walked in, Spencer turned her head to Aria and smiled mischeviously only to see Aria with the biggest smile on her face ever, it was confirmed. Spencer slid away as Ezra joined Aria for a quick note session on their new book. She sat a few tables away and watched the two fall in love all over again, it was very noticeable the Aria was the one in love as she was giving off tons of signals but it looked like Ezra wasn't interested at all. This had been going on for months as they had been writing their book.

Time went by and the sun started to settle and the moon started to show, when Ezra and Aria had finished their note session. At this time Spencer had gone home to Toby as she was getting bored of watching people write notes about a book, it wasn't exactly her thing.

"Need a lift home?" Ezra asked, finishing the last of his coffee.

"Sure" Aria replied, immediately, probably too soon but it doesn't matter. They shared a smile before packing their bags and walking away to Ezra's car.

The whole ride home they were laughing and reminiscing about the old times together until they arrived at Aria's place. They sat for a moment before Aria exhaled and left the car, this was the moment where she knew he didn't love her back.

"If he loved me back he would've kissed me by now I have been sitting here for too long and nothing has happened." Aria thought before reaching for her bag.

"Thank you for the ride" Aria spoke quietly before opening the car door and stepping out. She shut the door and took a step before stopping in her path. Thoughts filled her mind, what should she do but before she realised she had turned around to face Ezra.

"Am I not good enough anymore?" Aria began, her mind was everywhere but her mouth was just saying words in the incorrect manner. Ezra looked confused.

"What am I doing wrong?" Aria asked.

"Nothing. You have done nothing wrong." Ezra replied in hope to answer her sudden question.

"Then why can't you see what's going on?"

"See what?"

"What's going on between us? Is it that hard to tell?"

"Aria. It isn't but we just have to think about our past and what we have now."

"So this can't happen because of what we have. It can't happen because of Emily?" Aria asked, she was getting stressed, Ezra stepped out of the car and walked towards Aria before answering.

"This isn't because of Emily, if it did happen she would be one of the reasons why it should happen because she is our child and always will be. It just can't happen because of....our asts. Okay? I don't want to hurt you again. I can't."

Aria titled her head slightly in awe of what Ezra just said. She placed her hand upon his face and gently moved her thumb to brush the side of his hair.

"But you won't if anything you will be making me happy. Please, just think about it. I love you, I never stopped." Aria replied quietly to try to connect with him. He smiled in repsonse and moved his hand onto hers.

"It just can't"

Within seconds of hearing his response Aria's faced dropped aswell as her hand.

"I get it. Don't worry." Aria replied. Ezra just realised he had crushed his girl, the woman he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with. I mean they had a child for gods sake. All these thought ran through his mind until he made a decision.

"Aria" He called out, she turned around to find his lips on hers. She kissed back whilst happines spread across her. The sound of a bag could be heard as she dropped her bag on the old concrete and wrapped her arms around him. They broke away and smiled, Ezra reached for her bag, picked it up before kissing her again but this time picking her up whist wrapping her legs around him and carrying her into her house.

They had finally realised they were meant for each other, they would always find a way to be together. They loved each other. They loved their family.


I know it isnt the best story to return with but it had been on my mind for a while and now that I am not in school anymore my writing has gotten worse.

ANYWAY please follow my social medias. I dont have any fan account anymore but I do have a meme account.


Thanks for reading and for getting my other book to 17k reads. I love you all so much!

Ta Ta for now :)

Charlotte xx

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