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 So I have decided to write a few scripts for what I think season 8 of PLL would look like. These scripts would be for practice and would start off with a 5 year time jump. I have a few questions I would like to ask because I am stuck for answers. I want to make this as interesting as possible so please don't just say an answer because it's a happy ending.

If you comment below I will give a shout out on my next chapter and use one of your answers!

Here we go:

   1) Which one of the girls would typically buy a dog?

   2) Is it likely for Mona to still have Mary and Alex captive after 5 years?

   3) Should I explore Mona's French love interest more? Or go back to Mike?

   4) Should I introduce another big event? (Not a new AD but another Alex scenario???)

   5) Would it be interesting to explore the parents more?

   6) Should I give Emison another baby? From Alison? (later down the line)

   7) Suggest some interesting events that could happen!

Also I need some name suggestions for the children: I have put the couples and how many children they have below;

Aria & Ezra = Son - 4 years old

Hanna & Caleb = Son - 5 years old // Daughter - 2 years old

Spencer & Toby = Possible child? (please suggest one girl and one boy name just in case)7

Thank you! Please comment. And I might release a bit of some scripts and if people enjoy them I may release a new book for the scripts.



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