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After the longest 2 week holiday in Florida ever, Aria had finally arrived back at home with a glowing bronzed tan. Her excitment to see her friends was becoming overwheling, when she walked into the brew she saw Spencer and hugged her quickly.

"You're back! How was it?" Spencer asked curiously. She had also quickly noticed her tan and was instantly jealous.

"It was amazing, it was good to get away from here for a while, take my mind off things for a bit" Aria replied, her response bought on Spencer's next question.

"Is everything okay? Do you know yet?" She asked. Just before Aria left for her holiday she had some symptons and wasnt feeling to well, she didnt get her period, was very nausious and fatigued, she knew something was up and didnt want to admit it so she decided to think nothing of it until she told Spencer of it and obviously being the Spencer she was she made sure Aria did something about it an she finally did.

"Yes. Well not for sure the doctor said he would ring me in the next half hour to tell me the results of the blood test. Minutes later Ezra walked past and saw the two stood by the counter.

"You're back!" Ezra said, happily before quickly kissing Aria on the cheek. He knew nothing about what was going on. The started a conversation about her holiday quickly but was interuptted by the soun of a phone ringing, immediatley Aria picked it up and walked outside. A few moments later Spencer could see tears fall down Aria's cheek.

"The test came back positive Miss Montgomery, now we understand your age and we are here supporting you with whatever you decide, we always have a doctor on call if you need to talk or need any help." Spoke the doctor down the phone line.

"Thank you." Aria replied, befre hanging up the phone. She took a deep breath before walking back it, gently tapping the edge of her phone against her hand and looking at the floor. When she walked back in she looked up at Spencer. She could be read like a book.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" Ezra asked gently. Aria looked up at Spencer before replying fearfully.

"That was the doctor that i went to a few weeks ago" Aria began.

"Why did you need to go to the doctor?" Ezra replied, concernced.

"Because, erm before I left I was feeling ill and Specer thought I should get checked out and they just told me the results of my blood test I had done to see if I was pregnant...and I am." Aria added. Silence struck the three of them whilst thoughts ran through their minds.

"I can't have a baby. I am only 17. I can't even look after myself let alone someone else." Aria muffled whilst sitting down, Spencer joined her and put her arm around her for comfort.

"Is it...?" Spencer whispered, Aria nodded her head as more tears left her eyes. Ezra was stood with confusion and Aria noticed, she couldnt tell him. They broke up, it was one night. If anything he was her rebound off Andrew after they broke up.

Ezra sat on the chair next to them concernced, he took a moment before doing anything because deep down he knew. He knew it was his, but he didnt want to admit it.

"Did they say how far along or can they not tell yet?" Spencer asked.

"Can't tell yet. They want me to go in tomorrow for a scan." Aria replied. Spencer turned her head to Ezra to see his head in his hands and rubbing his eyes.

"Ezra?" Spencer asked, confused.

"I am so sorry. I never meant for this..." Ezra began before Aria looked up at him.

"You don't need to be sorry, it was a mistake." She replied, gently.

"Lets talk about this later, we don't need to worry about this right now. There is still time" Spencer interrupted trying to take Aria's mind off of it.

After a little more talk about Aria's holiday, she looked at her phone and saw how late it was. She decided to go so said her goodbyes before walking out the door. She was filled was confusion and worry, she had no idea what she what she was going to do, she couldn't have a baby at 17.

"Aria wait!" She head whilst walking down the street. She gently turned around only to see Ezra jogging to catch up with her.

"I want to come with you...tomorrow. Please." Ezra asked, he didn't want her to make the wong decision.

"Ezra I need to make a decision but I don't want to hurt you so it might not be for the best. I can't have you hate me as well okay." Aria replied. They wee looking into each others eyes as a tear dropped down onto her cheek once again. Ezra gently wiped them away.

"I dont want you to make the wrong decision" He said quietly, he moved his hand to collect hers as he encapsulated it in between both of his. She glanced down before looking back up at him.

"I cant have a baby. Ezra, don't do this" Aria replied, slowly pulling her hand away from his, that was when he knew he had to do everything to stop her.

"Yes, you can. You can. You are so strong, and you have all the support in the world if you choose to have it, just please dont make the wrong choice because of age. That doesn't matter, it matters about maturity and that's what you have, you do. So, please let me come tomorrow because the sound of that baby's heartbeat would change your mind and I want to be there." Ezra said, tears fell from his eyes as he spoke these soft words to change her mind. She cried even more but tentatively agreed. He reached for her hand again but this time softly pulled her into a hug, moments later she pulled away and smiled before wiping her tears away.

"I'm so sorry" Aria whispered, before turning away and walking down to her car, she opened the door and sat inside before bursting into tears and gripping onto the steering wheel. She drove away in tears.



Hope you enjoy this part, I might do a part 2 idk yet tho. Thanks for reading.

Charlotte xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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