Getting a Divorce

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"I promise to stay married to you forever!"

"From the moment I saw you, I knew in that moment , 6 years ago, I didn't want to share my life with anybody else other than you"

2 years later.

He shook his head and contemplated his thoughts. His voiced cracked and his eyes slowly began to water, as he spoke out to their friends.

"This is something that I never thought I would have to say because it is something I never thought would happen. This moment in my life is something I never thought was going to happen.  And it is happening, I know you have questions and I have some answers.

I am just going to get into it.

Aria and I are no longer together and we are getting a divorce.

Let me just start off by saying I am not claiming to be the good guy in this situation or the good guy, there is no picking sides, I am not claiming to be this perfect person or husband but I am making it known that I am not choosing this divorce, I don't want this to happen, I want her. But I truly believe that she thinks she is making the right decision, and I cant make her decisions for her. It is her choice and I resect her and her life as well.

You are probably thinking why, I will say I was faithful the entire time, I would never break that trust with her, she didn't do it either. I can't just keep coming out here without making this known, I just can't. I am going to take a break, for I don't even know how long. I have to heal in private and I need to step away for a while, that being said, I feel the time is right I will come back.

I am really proud of myself right now because I thought I was going to break down, there has been plenty of that. Don't go and throw negative stuff at Aria, I love her, I am in love with her. I wish her nothing but happiness for the rest of her life."

This was it. He broke. The next line was what crushed him the most.

"And that just doesn't involve me, anymore. So, I have to go and find peace because I really can't find it here. I understand that you want more details surrounding this but the purpose of this wasn't to hash out problems and private issues. I honestly just wanted to express that no matter what our issues were, I was still willing to work through them. I was never a perfect husband. We were never a perfect couple. We've had great times and terrible time over the last 8 years. Aria and I have found that we are different people that want different things now. The fact has put strain on the relationship. I've said things in anger, made mistakes, and could have been a better husband. For that, I am deeply sorry for ever bringing her pain. Aria is an amazing woman that captivated my heart from the moment I laid eyes on her.

No matter what we may have disagreed on or argued about, It would have never lead me to walk away from her. That being said, she deserves to be with someone she connects with and that connects with her on every level. She deserves to be happy. Ultimately, we both weren't the best at doing that for the other person. We truly wanted to spend our lives together. I still do. I'm heart broken and lost. If I could change her mind I would choose that in a heartbeat.

I will always love her. No matter what."



Sorry guys! I watched a video ages ago and I just re-watched it and it sparked an idea which I hated to write because it made me cry but I did it because I haven't posted in forever. Creds to the person who gets where this is from. You will be my best friend if you do get it.

Anyway, I also really love Miranda Sings at the moment and I was watching one of her show online and I saw she sung the "Think of me" song from Phantom of the Opera. I think you should maybe listen to it when reading this, made me cry more.

Thanks for reading. There will be a competition soon for a chance to win a shout out on here and on my Instagram/twitter page!



Twitter: trueezria

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