Don't Cry, Princess (DMxJ3T)

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Johnny was too sober for his friends liking, but he didn't care. He needed to stay sober so he could keep an eye on everyone. The band had dragged him along to drink with them, but now they were complaining that he was being a buzzkill. He considered going back to the bus to check on Danny and make sure he's okay. The guys would be okay. The bus is only a ten minute walk away from the bar.

"See ya guys." Johnny said, leaving the table they sat at.

"Pussy!" Dylan shouted at him as he left. Johnny only rolled his eyes. Danny had stayed behind, saying he was tired and felt a little sick. Johnny wanted to make sure his husband was okay.

The bassist opened the tour bus door, getting on the bus quietly, in case Danny was sleeping.

"Danny?" Johnny called softly, his voice just above a whisper as he shut the door carefully. Instead of hearing a response or snores from the bunks, he heard soft cries from the bathroom along with a quiet stream of water.

"Danny?" Johnny called louder, walking to the bathroom. He tried to open the door, but it didn't budge. The cries stopped, but were clearly being muffled.

"I-I thought you w-were out drinking w-with the g-guys." Danny choked out. Johnny's heart pounded against his chest, full of worry.

"I was coming to check on you. Baby, what's wrong?" No response.

"Danny boy?" Still nothing.

Johnny tried to open the door again, this time hearing something.

"I'm gonna die..." Danny said in a soft voice, loud enough to be heard by his lover.

"Don't say that Danny. Come out here. Let me talk to you." Danny didn't respond for a minute, and it felt like hours for Johnny.

"I can't. I'm gonna die, George." Danny's voice was scratchy and rough from crying.

"Daniel, open the fucking door." Johnny was on the verge of tears. He was scared. He heard a click. The door was unlocked. He quietly opened the door, freezing at the sight in front of him.

Danny's wrists were sliced open, cuts going up and down his arms and legs. Blooded razors were scattered, covered in Danny's fresh blood. Johnny saw the old cuts too, mentally slapping himself for never noticing those before. The shower was on, washing blood away from the shower floor.

"I'm sorry." Danny began to cry again, tears rushing down his face. Johnny picked Danny up carefully, carrying his husband to the front lounge. Danny was sobbing, shaking violently as blood flowed down his arms and legs. Johnny got the medical kit from the cabinet, taking it over to Danny.

"After I clean this, we're gonna talk, okay?" Johnny said softly. He didn't sound angry or sad, he sounded emotionless. Danny nodded, holding out his arms for Johnny. The older male grabbed the alcohol, putting it on a cloth and rubbing Danny's cuts clean carefully. Danny cried more, clearly in pain, and Johnny felt awful.

"At least they aren't deep." Johnny said as he put the blood soaked rag down, wrapping Danny's up in bandages.

"I feel dizzy..." Danny muttered, wincing again when Johnny rubbed alcohol onto the cuts on his legs.

"I'll get you something sweet." Johnny began to wrap Danny's legs, kissing Danny on the chest. He stood and walked to the fridge, pulling out a Hershey bar. Johnny handed it to Danny, sitting down beside his lover.

"Danny, tell me when you're hurting. I want to help you sweetheart, and that's hard when I don't know you need help." Johnny said softly, pulling Danny into his lap. Danny looked down, nibbling on the chocolate.

"I...I got super depressed a few years back a-and I thought I would be okay i-if I dealt with it myself. B-But all that ended up w-with is c-cutting m-myself." Danny cried, hiding his face in Johnny's chest. Johnny rubbed his lover's back.

"Baby, what caused it?" Johnny whispered. Danny sniffled.

"I-I didn't tell anyone about it. I was a-afraid that y-you guys would make fun of me." Danny muttered.

"Tell me. I won't make fun of you."

"Aron started to...hurt me. He kept finding me and pushing me around and insulting every little thing about me. He beat me up a few times and then I just accepted the fact that I'm a worthless piece of fucking shit." Johnny frowned deeply, feeling so angry that he wanted to get up and go find Aron and shoot him.

"You aren't worthless. And you aren't a piece of shit. You're my beautiful baby boy. I love you with all my heart." Johnny held Danny close, wincing when he saw the blood start to leak through the bandages.

"C-Can we go to bed?" Johnny nodded, taking Danny to bed, leaving the chocolate bar on the table for Charlie or someone later.

"I'm sorry." Danny muttered, snuggling close to Johnny once they were in Danny's bunk.

"Don't be. Don't ever be sorry."

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