Sleepy Boy (FMxJ3T)

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"Honey, I'm home!" Johnny called jokingly, throwing down his wet jacket. He ran his fingers through his hair, looking around for his little boy. Johnny took off his shoes, leaving them by the door because they were wet from the rain that was pouring down outside.

"Baby boy?" Johnny called, walking into the living room, only to see Dylan's toys and coloring books left all around the floor. He sighed deeply and picked up all the coloring books, setting them down on the coffee table.

"Dylan! I told you to clean up while I was gone!" Johnny called again, huffing softly. He picked up the toys and tossed them in the toy chest, then turned off the television that was playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Johnny walked upstairs to the bedroom and sighed softly in relief when he saw Dylan asleep on the bed. He walked over and rest a hand on the sleeping man's side, rubbing his side gently. Dylan stirred in his sleep, groaning softly, his eyes starting to open.

"Daddy?" Dylan muttered, yawning gently, looking up at Johnny. Johnny chuckled softly, resting his hand on Dylan's cheek.

"Hey sweetie." Johnny said softly. "When'd you fall asleep?"

"Abouts an hour ago." Dylan muttered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Johnny chuckled and kissed Dylan's head, letting out a soft 'aww' as he watched Dylan giggle happily. He looked absolutely exhausted.

"Baby, why do you look so tired?" Johnny frowned, leaning down to cup Dylan's face and run his thumb gently over one of the black bags under his baby boy's eye.

"Didn't sleep last night." Dylan yawned, looking up at Johnny sleepily. "Thunder, and I's scared."

"Awe, baby, why didn't you tell me?" Dylan just shrugged and closed his eyes again, getting ready to go back to sleep. Johnny just let him, even though he normally didn't want Dylan sleeping in the middle of the day cause that would just throw off his whole sleep schedule. But he felt bad for his baby and wanted him to rest as much as possible.

Johnny left the room after tucking changing Dylan into some comfortable pajamas and tucking him into bed with his favorite plush toy. He shut off the light, closed the window blinds and turned on the train nightlight near the door.

"Sleep tight baby boy." He muttered once he shut the door. He smiled to himself, realizing he was really lucky to have such an adorable baby boy.


Thing I found in my drafts and thought I would share it. It's short as all balls, but it's cute and I don't really use this ship.
I have more shitty drafts that I will post once I add on and spellcheck. Enjoy. Ha.

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