The Plan

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(A/N)- Should I keep writing this? Tell me in the comments!
Jacks POV
After a week of seeing Twitch get beat and violated I got to leave the refuge. I got hit a few times to but not as bad as her. When I got to the lodge the boys all greeted me with hugs and waves and smiles. I gotta tell em 'bout Twitch. I thought. "Ahem!" None a the boys looked at me. "Ugh, BOYS!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. They all stopped talking and looked at me. "What's up Cowboy?" Race asked pushing his way to the front of the room. "Ok so while I was in da refuge I met dis goil." "Ohhhh Jackie boy got 'imself a skirt!" A few boys shouted. "I ain't got one for meself but Crutchy on the other hands getting lucky.
Crutchy POV
I started listening more when I heard my name. Jack told us all about the girl named Twitch. He also told us what Snyder was doing to her. "She's a crip!" I accidentally said out loud but I wasn't  embarrassed. "She sure is Crutch and when we get 'er out she is reserved as your goil. None of da udda boys cin have 'er!" I smiled at the thought of having my own girl. Then Jacks face got serious. "Boys..dis goil is not ok. She will be super jumpy when we get 'er out." He turned to Mush, Blink, and Race. "Any if any a yous pester 'er or make her feel unwanted and unwelcome or more scared den she already is..I will make sure you won't make it ta see youa next birthday!" He yelled. This is what he said before he brings anymore new boys in. "What's da plan Jacky?" Mush asked. "Wells here what I'm thinkin'. There's one window in da entire room. And it's all on the bottom floor. So if we cin get da window open two of us cin get 'er from da room we cin run 'er out and go!" Jack yelled. "YEAH!" The boys yelled. Kloppman was there the entire time and he agreed with the plan. "Were leaving tonight at 12!"

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