New Kid

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"Dis da new kid from da refuge?" Twitch heard a voice say. "Sure is." She heard Jack respond. "She sure is pretty." Another boy said. She opened her eyes to see a crowd of boys looking at her. They were all different in there own ways. She liked that. "G'mornin' sleeping beauty." Crutchy said with a smile. "H-heya." She tried to sit up but winced. "Hey just sit still foa a while k?" She nodded. Today was the boys' day off so they didn't have to sell. Crutchy and Jack saw her bruises much better in the light, they were bad. "Aren't ya gonna introduce me to dem." She said pointing towards the boys standing behind Jack. "Oh uh yeah. This is Boots, Skittery, Itey, Snitch, Sniper, Tumbler, Specs, Pie eater, Snoddy, and Jacob. The rest are downstairs and you already met Race, Mush, Blink, and Crutchy." The boys waved and she heard a chorus of hellos. "H-hi." She waved. "J-jack um when I get bettah I can leave if ya want me to." She said finally being able to sit up. "You don' afta leave if ya don' wanna." He said. "Plus we all want ya ta stay." Crutchy said. "Ok. I'll stay. Um I'm sorry I've been such a burden on ya though." She looked down. Most of the boys already went downstairs. All of them except Jack and Crutchy. "Ey, you ain't no burden. If ya were do ya t'ink I would've saved ya?" Jack said. "I guess you's right." She said. Just then Kloppman came into the room. He said he needed to clean her cuts because all he did the night before was wrap them. Jack and Crutchy watched as Kloppman was putting rubbing alcohol on her cuts. She was trying her best not to cry. "It's ok to cry." Jack said rubbing her forehead. All the bloody cuts were to much to look at. Most of the blood was dry but he still hated looking at how deep her wounds were. Tears started rolling down her face as Kloppman cleaned a cut on her shin. Crutchy looked at the cut he was cleaning which was on her bum leg. He then noticed that her whole leg was bruised and bloody. Worse than any other injury she had. He already started liking this girl and he barely knew her. Crutchy hobbled over to the other side of the bed and took her hand in his. He gave it a squeeze and stood next to her the whole time until the new bandages were put on her arms and legs (especially the bad one) and one around her head. Kloppman looked satisfied with his job and nodded. "Boys let's go downstairs and let her get some rest." Kloppman grabbed Jacks arm and led him out of the room. "Call if ya need somethin'." He said. "Thanks Crutchy." She smiled. "CRUTCHY!" Kloppman yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Twitch laughed at this as Crutchy left the room. "Ya got a beautiful laugh." He said before he closed the door and went down stairs. Twitch blushed as she laid back down in the bed. She really liked Crutchy. Like more than a friend. I wonder if he likes me too. She thought as she closed her eyes and went to sleep. That wouldn't last long though.
(A/N) - I love writing this story it's so much fun! I have noticed that I get a lot of typos and stuff and I'm sorry. I usually write them at night before I get to bed so I'm so out of it to notice. Anyway though thanks for reading!

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