Sorry it has been awhile. Walking down memory lane here with a season 10 one shot. Ps if your watching supernatural and your not a season 10. DON'T READ IT. 10 is a great season. So watch it! Enjoy.

Sam and I jumped in to the car as quickly as possible. Dean gave us his location. Apparently he wants to say goodbye. Yeah right. I drove because, well it was my husbands car. Yes that's right. Dean Winchester is my husband. Trust me it is a interesting relationship. I punched it to the Mexican bar that Dean was holed up in. Me and Sam stepped out slowly. I looked at him nervously. Out of habit I started to twist my wedding ring. I tightened my flannel around my waist and pulled on my grey shirt. I walked in first." Hey." I said as we walked in. Dean was standing there with Death behind him. "What's going on?" Sam asked." We need to talk." Dean said." Whatever you are thinking of doing, don't. There is another way." Sam says." You don't have to go with him! You don't have to die!" I say. Dean looks at me with sadness. Then turns to Sam and says," Funny you say that. Truth is, when I left, I thought the only way out was my death. Well I was wrong. It's y'all's." We were looking right at Dean. We walked forward a bit more." What..... he's gonna send you into outer space?!" I reply." No, well, he didn't say outer space." I give him the 'really' look." This is madness Dean!" Sam says." I agree!" I snap." Far from it, I'm afraid." Death cops in." No ones asking you." I snap." Hear him out!" Dean says. He seems to be getting frustrated." Our conundrum is simple, Sam, Ashley. Your brother and husband cannot be killed, and the mark cannot be destroyed. Not without inflicting a greater evil than any of us have ever known." " What evil?" Sam says. Clearly in disbelief." The darkness." Dean answers." What the hell is that?" I ask." Well what does it sound like? Does it sound like a good thing?" Dean seems so calm in all of this. Death stands and moves around as he says," Even if I remove Dean from the playing field, we're still left with you, loyal, dogged Sam. Who I will suspect will never rest until he sets his brother free of the mark which simply cannot happen. Lest the Darkness be set free. You, Ashley, will just try and join him where he is. That just can not happen," he looks back to Sam." Then there was that time you stood me up." Sam moves toward Dean." You traded our lives." He says to Dean." I'm willing to live with this thing forever, as long as I know that I and it will never hurt another living thing." Those words spoken from Dean broke me a bit. I wanted to hug him. Tell him it would all be alright but I couldn't. I walked out the room. I know Dean saw me but I couldn't take it. I could here Dean snap at Sam. I took a deep breath. I went back in and heard Sam trying to convince Dean he was good. But Dean was completely apposing it. That's when Sam punched Dean. And Dean punched back. As they begun to fight I ran in." No! Stop! Dean! Please!" They grunted and threw fists. Then Dean beat Sam down." Dean!" I screamed." Ok! That's enough, that's enough." Sam says. He takes a breath and speaks again." You'll never, ever here me say that you, the real you, is anything but good." I was frozen. I wanted to see where Sam was going." But your right, before you hurt anyone else, you have to be stopped at any cost. I understand, do it." I gasped." No! Dean look at me. Please God just look at me." My cheeks were tear streaked. So he did Dean looked at me." Hey." I said." Hey baby." I stepped up to him." Dean, baby, you can't do this." I placed a hand on his cheek." I have to." He said. It came out roughly. Like it was forced." Dean you may not believe you are good but I do. And in here," I place my other hand over his heart," you believe it too. I just know you do. You wanna know how I know? Because I married you Dean Winchester. And you always know everything before you sign a contract, or tie yourself spiritually to a person." I smile softly." I know you will make the right choice." I back up and let Dean do what he wants. Death hands him his staff, wrath thing. Dean takes it in his hands and looks down at Sam." Close your eyes." Dean says." Sammy, close your eyes." Dean says again." Wait, take these and one day when you find your way back, let these be your guide." He pulls out a picture of Dean as a boy with his mom and Dean and I's wedding photo." And they can help you remember, what it was to be good. What it was to love." He sets the photos on the floor in front of him. My eyes tear up even more. Dean hesitates and then he swung. It missed Sam and went straight into Death. He turns to dust. I stare wide eye at Dean. I run to him and hug him. He hugs me back and kisses me lightly on the head. I back way as he helps Sam to his feet." You ok?" He asks." I'll live." Sam says." Fantastic. Well I think I just killed Death." I smirk and let out a light laugh. Suddenly a streak of lightning, I guess, strikes through the ceiling and hits Dean on the arm where the mark is. Next thing I know it is gone and Dean is looking at his arm. The mark. It was gone. He looked up at me shocked. I smiled. I kneeled down next to him. I kissed him hard on the lips. We were going hard till Sam cleared his throat. I backed up and smiled sarcastically at Sam. We grabbed our stuff and left. Although that is when things got really crazy.

Welp. Hoped you liked it. I made it at 11 o'clock at night. Also on meds that are to make me tired but whatever. Your welcome. Well later my hunters.

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