Strange Additions

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**AN: Since the last few chapters were pretty exciting, this chapter is more of a filler. It's pretty plot relevant, at least in terms of characters, so I recommend reading it. But the tone has changed to more of Charlotte's narration. Enjoy!

It was a unanimous decision to take a well-needed break before they went searching for any more trouble, and Charlotte spent the next few days sleeping, drinking, exploring, and repairing her gear.

Since the Black Skulls seemed to have been taken care of for the time being, the town was a lot more peaceful, as the land imports and exports were able to travel more safely. A guard patrol had even sent out to recover the lost Quest Board, and it now stood in the town square once more. The rogue still wasn't entirely sure what a bandit gang would want a town Quest Board for, but perhaps it was the thought that counted. 

Spring was setting into the land at full force, and every day the climate grew warmer. But the ocean winds kept the heat from becoming too unbearable as Charlotte adjusted from the crisper air of the mountains she had grown up in; although she did find herself in need of clothing with short sleeves. The ocean itself was also a daunting presence, and one that the Half-Elf was not eager to explore. She learned to swim in rivers and lakes, but the vastness of this body of water made her wonder if it were possible to get sucked in forever. 

During her sight-seeing, Charlotte had seen and met many of the townsfolk, but she hadn't really seen much of the others. Occasionally she happened upon Asmoth and Lola enjoying the town together as lovers do, but the rogue tended to avoid being around them while they were in their romantic moods. 

At first, she was concerned when Elric disappeared. It was difficult for a man of his stature to hide, so it would have been slightly terrifying if he could blend into a crowd better than she thought. But she asked about the Nephilim when she found Red on the first floor of the Charming Dragon, and he told her that his half-brother had been called away momentarily for some religious mission. Charlotte had inquired why Red had not joined him, but the question only seemed to aggravate the archer, and so she let him be. It was probably difficult being compared to someone who was literally half celestial being.

The Half-Elf had also neglected to visit her sister. Charlotte had always tried to keep a relatively low-profile, but after her recent set of heroics, she found herself with unwanted attention. She did not want anyone knowing that she and Christa were related, which would perhaps put her sister in jeopardy. However, she did send a brief letter simply letting her sibling know that she remained alive and in the area. 

On the fourth day after the showdown with the Black Skulls, Charlotte was at one of the local smithies. The shop was more of a stall than a building, since it was mainly a forge under an awning, and it was far more open than she cared for. But Charlotte enjoyed the blacksmith, who was a stoic Sho'Kai by the name of Rin. He wasn't much of one to talk, but he was damn good at his craft, and that's all that mattered to her. He appeared more Human than most Sho'Kai, only retaining some small coatings of glittery scales around his bright green eyes and webbed ears, but the draconic blood he possessed gave him immense heat durability. Charlotte was amazed how he could grab a sword fresh from the forge with just his bare hands and seem completely complacent. Rin had managed to beat out the dents in her armor and sharpen her swords for her, and she was very pleased with his work. She was in the midst of bargaining over a price for an armored bodice when something peculiar caught her eye.

It was Timoré walking quickly and determinedly down the road towards the docks. Normally she wouldn't have paid any mind, but she couldn't help but notice his movements were stiff and he had a panicked look on his face. She had never seen him like that. "Timoré?" She called out to him, leaning over the opening in the shop, "Are you all right?"

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