Dyadic Relations

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White morning light pushed its way up through the gloomy coastal fog, rising over the horizon to refract off the still water that glistened like glass. The raucous cries of seagulls stirring in their roosts roused Charlotte even more, helping bring her back to reality even as an invisible weight pressed itself onto her chest. 

The Half-Elf curled up onto her side, letting herself lay there for a moment to still her fast-beating heart. None of it had been real, and yet she still felt her hands shaking. She slowly undid her gloves, letting the leather pull away from sweaty skin to reveal the raw flesh underneath. They seemed unchanged, looking just as they were the last time she had taken her gloves off. She pressed her knuckles against her forehead for a long moment, before wiping her eyes with the sides of her hands. Breathing in deeply through her nose and then letting out a shaky breath, she turned back over onto her other side-- but no one was there. 

Sitting up with a start, Charlotte desperately looked around the sandy bank. But the Human mage was merely crouched a couple of yards away from her, seemingly burying something in the sand. Releasing the breath she didn't realize she had been holding, she flung her cloak off herself and rolled to her feet. She marched over to him, and huffed, "Don't do that again!"

Timoré jumped slightly, and quickly looked up at her, his mouth opened in a somewhat flustered expression. "Don't do what again?"

"Don't-" She started pointedly, but then trailed off. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked away, beginning again more calmly, "If we sleep outside, tell me when you're going away. I don't like feeling exposed."

"I was just coming right over here, and didn't think it was a-"

"Please, Timoré. If we're going to do this, I have to trust you. I... I can't be dependent on someone who won't prioritize my well-being. Not again."

He was quiet for a long moment, before finally nodding. Then his gaze traveled down to her bare hands, and she realized that she hadn't put her gloves back on. Swiftly pivoting on her heels, she began to shove her hands in the fingerless leather again. "Okay, good. I have some things to do before the House War starts again, so-"

"Wait," he cut her off, standing up, "I have something else to tell you: It's about Clara."

Her interest peaked, she turned her head back to listen. The mage looked her in the eyes as he said, "When I spoke to her yesterday, it wasn't to change sides. But I did ask to learn from her. She agreed, on the condition that I keep my status a secret... and keep an eye on you."

Charlotte felt her mouth go dry as her heart sank. Taking a step backward, she asked, "Is that all last night was then? You keeping an eye on me?"

"No!" He shook his head firmly. "No, it... it wasn't. I didn't know you would come searching for me, and I genuinely wanted you to stay. I wasn't going to tell you, but I figured that we shouldn't begin our pact with a lie."

The rogue said nothing for a long moment, her eyes flickering back toward the docks. Finally, she nodded. "I believe you. And you should know that I'm also working for Clara, if you didn't already. I have been for a couple of weeks now. But I had no idea about Lydia."

"Apparently no one was supposed to know about Lydia, and she blew her cover by turning during the battle. I didn't know why Clara wanted to keep a special eye on you, but that's probably the reason-- so you didn't reveal yourself either."

Charlotte let out a small curse. "Of course! That's why Leo kept attacking me, because I was trying to ask what was going on. But at least some things make sense now, although it doesn't explain why Clara is fighting for Maritassi." She lightly shook her head and sighed. "Anyway, if there's nothing else, I'll meet you on the Bloody Field."

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