Coming Out

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**AN: I hope you're enjoying Cka'a and Vayreni, because this is the second part of the collaboration with RyanneBlackman! There's going to be at least one more part of the collab, but Ryanne will also probably be assisting me in writing the chaos that will be the House War. Please comment your thoughts and don't forget to drop a vote!

The duo followed the group back into town, worrying more about staying close to avoid potentially getting stopped by more guards. Cka'a's light, wooden frame creaked slightly as they ran ahead to walk in stride with Charlotte. "Charlotte you said your name was? What are the local Spriggans like?"

Charlotte nodded in reply to the first question. Now walking at her side, Cka'a could observe why this one had been sent out to assess their arrival: Two short swords swung from a sheathe on her back, and a dagger and set of throwing knives hung from her belt. "The Spriggans here are... loud, and they don't like visitors very much. They certainly don't stroll into town, which is why the Crimson Guard was so spooked. They live in the Ghost Wood, which is pretty much a haunted forest to the north of here. They protect the woods because the forest is magic, and if the forest dies, then they do. I don't know if that's normal for groves of Spriggans or not."

Cka'a dipped their head slightly, the light in their spring green eyes fading slightly. "We regret to say so. When our forest was burned, those in our grove who survived the fire fell instead to madness. Those fallen Spriggans lose their desire to preserve life and protect nature, and instead become conniving and bloodthirsty. They can be cleansed, but must grow new, purified bodies."

Charlotte's expression hardened. "If I may ask, how did you survive? Both the destruction of your home and avoid falling yourself."

"We were too late to save our home. We discovered the burnt remains when we returned from performing our rituals one evening. The strength of our faith provided us with the magics to defeat those who had fallen to darkness." Cka'a reached into their satchel, cradling a fist-sized bulb in their palms. "We salvaged as many bulbs of our people as we could, and left to seek a new land for our grove to start anew. Your decision to support House Cornello appeared to surprise your teammates. You know our story, but what is your history with House Cornello?"

The Half-Elf's hand came up to brush blonde hair over a pointed ear at the sudden change in subject. "I came to Aushire out of coincidence during the most recent House War between the Houses Cornello and Faistraad. I chose House Cornello because they were paying more. We ended up losing in the last round, but Lord Cornello seems an honorable man, for a noble. My teammates were surprised because a few days ago we were speaking of not fighting for either side... But I have changed my mind."

The two glanced around to notice that the Human mage had disappeared, and Vayreni seemed to be making idle conversation with Elric and the Uruk. "Also, I'm sorry to hear about your people," Charlotte added somewhat sheepishly. "Do you know how the fire started?"

"We do not know by whose hand, but we could sense dangerous magics at play." Cka'a returned the bulb to their satchel, replacing it in hand with a steel chakram polished so fine that Charlotte could have sworn the throwing disk was a mirror. "Should we find a culprit, we shall serve justice with precision." The Spriggan grew silent for a moment before throwing their head back in high-pitched, yet scratchy laughter. "But that is for another day. You seem like decent folk, Charlotte. We will gladly fight alongside you!"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the group, Vayreni approached the hulking Green Folk with curiosity. "You're an Uruk, right? I haven't met one of your kind before. The muscles, the teeth, the tattoos... It's all... rather striking. But, gah, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Vayreni!"

The Uruk met Vayreni's questions with a large grin on his face. "Hi, Vayreni! I'm Grom!" He held out his hand for her to shake, and leaned down slightly to whisper, "Don't worry! Charlotte already told me not to shake hands too hard!" When she gingerly took the larger hand in hers with a slight laugh, he continued, "Yes, I am Uruk! My people don't like cities and towns, but I really like them! My friends Tobias and Gretta have helped people not be afraid of me!" Grom puffed his chest out proudly at the fact.

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