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**AN: Holy moly, I am back!  My first semester of grad school has been insane. But my break is coming soon, and I'm hoping for more updates while I can! This is just a short chapter to get back into the swing of things, but I hope you like it! <3

At long last, a date for the first battle of the House War was decided. When the day came, it became apparent that House Maritassi had done their fair share of recruiting. But so had House Cornello, thanks to the efforts of Charlotte and Leo Alexander. 

The Half-Elf once again stood on the Cornello side of the Bloody Field, but instead of being amongst a sea of strangers in a storm, the sun was out in full-force and she now recognized most of the faces around her. Currently, seven of her companions were readying themselves: Gretta, Tobias, Grom, Timoré, Guillotine, Lydia, and Vayreni. Cka'a also paced the field, their barky face set in a determined look. 

"Staying on the sidelines this round?" Charlotte commented to the Spriggan as they paced close, nodding to the green cleric sash they wore. 

Cka'a blinked as they were broken out of their reverie, nodding once the question registered. "Yes," they rasped in response, "Vayreni thought it would be wise to analyze the strength of the opponent before flinging ourself into needless danger."

"Probably best. I understand not wanting to hang back, though. But you'll see action soon enough," the rogue empathized. 

As the healer continued their round of pacing, Charlotte lifted her eyes to look across the various Cornello fighters to where her secret Ra'Neca ally was skulking. He stayed away from most of the others, eyeing his opponents with an almost feral look, a hand on the pommel of his long-sword. She briefly wondered what he had done to convince his recruits. 

Then her eyes went to the crowd that had gathered to watch. Among the townspeople, she was able to make out various companions who did not sign up at all, namely Elric, Red, Türin, Asmoth, and Lola. Closer to the sidelines, near the nobles, Lady Clara and the rest of her entourage sat under an awning surrounded by their Crimson Guard, sharing a decanter of wine between them. 

On the Cornello side, the old lord sat in his usual spot. But this time, it seemed that the rest of the Cornello family had also made an appearance, with Christa among them. The younger Half-Elf kept casting furtive glances towards Charlotte, but thankfully Lady Cornello appeared too distracted waving herself with a large Consortium fan to notice. The rogue spared a brief eyebrow raise that she hoped was reassuring, and she saw her sister's shoulders relax a bit. 

Looking on the opposing side, Charlotte tried to get a sense of Lord Maritassi and his family. The Lord himself was at least a decade younger than Lord Cornello, and he was likewise decorated with medals. He wore polished armor and brandished his sword, and, if Charlotte hadn't known better, she might have assumed that he was going to be fighting this day. But, she knew that would not be the case. There did not seem to be a Lady Maritassi present, but she did spot Samuel, the young lad who had come knocking on her door as a recruiter. Next to him stood a very short, slim-framed young woman wearing an off-white, samite dress that hung off her slight shoulders. Even from a distance, the Half-Elf could tell that the dress was expensive and did a lovely job at complementing the girl's alabaster skin and wavy, strawberry-blonde hair that dropped to the small of her back. 

"Oh, Charlotte! What a lovely surprise!" A voice next to her made Charlotte rip her gaze away from the noble girl to the lean face of Samuel Maritassi. He was smiling broadly at her, seemingly awaiting an answer. Looking around, it appeared that somehow her feet had taken her across the field to the Maritassi awning without her even realizing.

"Er. Yes. Hello, Samuel," Charlotte replied sheepishly, trying to compose herself. "Um. I just... wanted to say good luck today. I'm sorry that we had to be on opposite sides."

He shrugged his shoulders much too far up into his ears, trying to act nonchalant. "Think nothing of it. We'll get you next time, won't we, cousin?" He glanced toward the girl, whose light hazel eyes were now fixed on the rogue. 

"Of course, dear cous," the girl answered in a light voice, refined from probable years of etiquette lessons. "Although I find myself at a loss for not knowing your name," she then directed the statement at Charlotte.

"Charlotte," she answered too quickly, before pulling back, "You may call me Charlotte. And you might be?"

She dropped down into a proper curtsey, smiling with her thin lips, "I am Lady Emmaline Maritassi. You may call me Emmaline." 

"A pleasure to meet you." The Half-Elf suddenly felt the strong urge to curtsey, herself, despite never having done so once in her life except to mock someone. She felt one of her eyes begin to twitch. "I have to go," she said suddenly. 

"What? But you just got here," Samuel complained.

"Yes, and I was never supposed to be here. I'm- I'm sorry." She quickly turned tail and fled back to the Cornello side. 

When she had reached the safety of her fellow mercenaries and adventurers, she stopped short, taking deep breaths and rubbing the back of her neck with a gloved hand. Soon Gretta came up beside her. "Who was that fancy lady you were talking to?" She asked bluntly.

"Emmaline," Charlotte answered quietly, "Emmaline Maritassi." 

**AN: What is your first impression of Emmaline? Who do you think is going to win the House War? Please comment, and remember to drop a vote!

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