Follow the Leader

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A sharp rapping at the door made Charlotte groan at the realization that she needed to move to answer it. Keeping her blanket wrapped around her, the Half-Elf shuffled over and cracked the door just enough for her to look out. "Yes?"

A bespectacled Human boy of no more than ten-and-seven years stood before her, clutching a stack of papers tightly to his chest. Adjusting his glasses, he squinted at one of the papers before asking, "Excuse me, but are you... Charlotte?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Depends on who's asking."

He looked back up, startled, and quickly reached out a hand, almost dropping the stack in the process. "My apologies! My name is Samuel Maritassi of the noble House Maritassi!" After Charlotte opened the door more and reached out to briefly shake his hand, he reorganized his forms before running fingers through mousey brown hair. "I have been sent here to recruit you for the latest House War," he tried to sound enthusiastic, but it ended up being painfully obvious that he had rehearsed from something prewritten. "There has been an awful dispute with House Cornello, as the Lord of the House has mistakenly claimed Lord Maritassi's docks for himself. That is why we need you to come and help us win back what is rightfully ours!" A moment passed as silence lingered between the two. "Oh wyrms, you are Charlotte, right?!" 

The rogue nodded, amused, and said, "Fear not, you have not given your little speech for nothing. Unfortunately, I will not fight against the House Cornello."

Samuel quivered a moment, before squinting at the parchment again. "Forgive me if I am mistaken, but... it does not look like you are properly aligned with the house."

"That's because I'm not," she explained, "But nevertheless, I have personal reasons for not fighting against them. I am sorry to take time out of your day." She paused. "Wait, you said your last name is Maritassi. Wouldn't that make you a lord?"

The boy chuckled, his face reddening slightly. "I'm afraid I have the Maritassi name, but not quite as many of the privileges. I am a distant nephew of the Lord, and so that makes me last in line for the title. His daughter and my cousin, Lady Emmaline, is the current heir."


"I mean, I suppose so, yes," he stammered and blushed more. Charlotte realized that the boy was probably confusing her interest in the lineage for interest in him. "But I have lingered for too long. I should probably go. That is, unless..." Puppy-dog eyes looked up at her, searching for an excuse to stay.

"No, no, I shall not keep you from an important task such as this. Someone has to make sure those docks are being handled by their proper owner!" Her smile was a little too wide as she tried to keep the sarcasm out of her voice, but Samuel didn't seem to notice.

"Well, alright. Please do feel free to stop by Maritassi Manor if you change your mind! Our sigil is a silver fish wielding a spear on a royal blue banner!"

"Sounds great, Samuel. Run along now." She ushered him down the hallway, before retreating into her room. She leaned against the closed door, scratching her chin thoughtfully, before dumping her blanket back onto the bed and beginning to lace up for the day. This time, she opted for a light cream-colored blouse instead of her usual black tunic with yellow trimmings. Charlotte didn't really know what possessed her to buy such a thing-- it would only be harder to get blood stains out of it, and the frilly neckline was lower cut than she would have liked, showing the paler skin of the top of her breasts. But it had been a while since she had added any variety to her wardrobe, and she thought that a new town might warrant a new look. Plus, the tighter fit of the blouse would work better with the armored corset Rin was working on, rather than her other loose-fitting shirts. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, the half-elf headed towards the usual meeting spot.

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