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**Warning: Graphic violence ahead


She could hardly believe what she was seeing. The ground beneath her feet suddenly felt unsteady as Charlotte struggled to understand what was happening. She looked towards Lady Clara for any sign that this was some elaborate plan, but the redhead refused to glance in her direction, seemingly intent on knowing the decision of the attendants.

"Looks like they pulled out the big hitters, after all," Timoré said.

Gretta sighed, "Crap."

The Half-Elf swung her head in the direction of Leo Alexander, who was looking toward Clara with a stoic gaze. She began to walk towards him. "Hey! Did you-" But she was cut off as the lead attendant called, "Everything looks to be in order! The new fighters may join the field!" After waiting for the four newcomers to stand in the appropriate positions and for Lord Maritassi to walk back to the sidelines, the attendant called, "Fighters of Cornello, at the ready!"

Charlotte did not join in the half-confused warcry that rang out. That deep pit in her stomach had begun to burn with the rage of betrayal. A rage she knew too well.

"Fighters of Maritassi, at the ready!"

Their shout echoed with their renewed confidence. Charlotte just gripped her swords harder, her eyes locked on the targets.

"Battle begin!"

Without thinking, Charlotte charged with the sound of the horn. She almost ran straight past the front-line fighters, who were taking a more cautious approach, when Tobias yelled out, "Charlotte, wait!"

The rogue pulled up short a half-second before the ground where she would have been was pierced by an icicle. She looked up to see that Veerle was watching her with their pupiless eyes, an opened spellbook levitating in front of them and a mage staff in hand. They conjured up another ice shard, and the rogue prepared to dodge. But as the missile was launched, Tobias jumped in the way, and the wicked point shattered against the metal of his shield.

"What are you doing up here? Get back!" The Human yelled at her.

Charlotte almost did as he asked. But then she saw Oberon advancing with a long, two-handed spear. "Keep the mage off us," she ordered. Raising one sword up in front of her in a defensive position and the other up above her head in offense, the rogue turned her back to Tobias' so that she could face Oberon.

"You think you can hit me from way over there?" He goaded in his northern accent, pointing his spear toward her as he approached.

"Yes." She quickly grabbed for a throwing knife and whipped it toward him, but he deflected it with the shaft of his spear without flinching. "Try again," he rumbled.

She feigned grabbing for another knife, and Oberon struck, quick as a viper. But she was ready, and quickly parried, throwing the spearhead away from her before lunging at him. He was easily able to keep out of her reach, and so she tried to catch his next jab between her blades; he was too fast, and the sharp metal sliced her cheek as it zoomed past her head. Instead of pulling the spear straight back, he swung it toward her head, and Charlotte ducked out of the way while rolling toward him. However, his reflexes were quick, and he brought the butt of the spear down to sweep her leg out from under her as she was standing up.

Charlotte landed on her butt and quickly tucked and rolled out of the way as he speared the ground where she just was. The rogue came to a crouched position and tried to lunge again, but he easily batted her back with the end. Oberon brought his weapon up, about to come down for another strike, when suddenly he turned as a large blur charged at him.

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