A Change in Perspective

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**AN: Hello, readers! This is the first chapter in a collaboration with the amazing RyanneBlackman! Please check out her work, because she has a fantastic ongoing Pokémon story, as well as her own story with Cka'a and Vayreni (aka: the characters you're about to meet). Normally "Bizarre Adventures" is told from Charlotte's perspective, but I thought I would change it up a bit in honor of the collab. Please vote and let me know your thoughts! (P.S: The cover was drawn by Ryanne! More of her art can be found at: https://www.deviantart.com/metagrossfreak)

Two figures new to the eastern port of Aushire made their final stretch towards the vast walled city-- a journey that had taken them far longer than they had expected. The people in the small village they had last passed had informed the duo that Aushire was only "a few miles" down the road; they hadn't expected that to mean a nearly forty mile walk. But as the towering pines that edged the well-worn road finally made way for the fields and herding lands outside the so-called "Crown Jewel of Eastern Markotia", the more visually unique of the two bounced excitedly on the balls of their feet.

"Look Vayreni, look! One more mile to Aushire's front gates." Their raspy voice raised a pitch or two higher than normal, "We are so excited, we can barely contain ourselves."

Vayreni hiked her pack higher up her shoulder to readjust the weight. In the time the duo had travelled, she had grown used to the Spriggan healer's voice in the background as she slept, whispering psalms and prayers. Last night, however, she had next to no sleep at all. Vayreni rubbed the sleep from her eyes for what felt like the tenth time today, before running a hand through her dark, messy hair and stopping at the side of her head. With delicate fingers, she felt the sharp peak at the end of an otherwise rounded ear-- the ear of a Half-Elf.

"Is something wrong, 'Changeling'?" Vayreni's companion asked, seeing her yawn yet again.

"Shhh, not so loud, Cka'a!" She said, clamping a hand over the Spriggan's barky mouth and looking around to see if anyone overheard. Seeing no one else in the vicinity, Vayreni uncovered Cka'a's mouth. "I'm trying to keep my identity a secret, remember? As far as everyone else is concerned, I'm a Half-Elf, okay? I've never been this far east in Markotia before."

"Our apologies. Our people do not keep secrets from each other, so we are still not used to privacy." Cka'a bowed their head in respect, the wide and flat mushroom cap they wore like a hat bobbing slightly from momentum.

"It's fine, I'm just tired. Let's check in at an inn first thing when we reach Aushire. While I catch up on some rest, you can find out more information about the House Wars. Deal?" Vayreni extended her hand out towards Cka'a-- she felt confident the Spriggan wouldn't get into too much trouble if left alone for a mere hour or two.

Cka'a awkwardly grasped Vayreni's right hand in their left, shaking it with their own narrow digits. "We accept your 'offer'. When you awake we will have more information than you could ever wish!"

As the travelers approached the front gate, a host of Aushire's security, the Crimson Guard, barred the two from entering. "Hold it, Spriggan!" One of them ordered, "Back to woods with you."

"You cannot stop us from entering, fool. We have traveled far to participate in your so-called 'House War'," Cka'a rasped.

Two of the Crimson Guards exchanged looks, "The House War? Marion, go see if you can find that group of fighters who have been doing jobs around town. Maybe one of them knows these two, or at the very least can sort this out."

"Elric's group? I'll get them!" The guard, Marion, took off into the city as the two Crimson Guards who had been at her sides moved in to fill the gap.

After a few minutes of awkwardly waiting, Cka'a and Vayreni finally saw Marion return followed by four others. "Here they are, sir," Marion gave a salute to the guard who had given her the order. The ones she had brought scrutinized the two newcomers. They seemed to be made up of a Human, a Nephilim, an Uruk, and a female Half-Elf.

The Nephilim, who must have been Elric, stepped forwards. "Hail, friends! We have heard you have business with the House War?" Despite the heavy plate armor and tower shield he wore, along with the longsword he had strapped on his hip, his demeanor seemed friendly enough. His white teeth and golden eyes sparkled even more dazzlingly while contrasted against his dark hair and tanned bronze skin.

Vayreni stepped around her companion, extending a hand towards him-- then silently cursed as she saw her fingernails were now black and sharpened to slight points. Elric seemed to notice, too, as he gave a slight pause before firmly shaking her hand. "I take it you are Elric?" She asked. When he nodded, she continued, "Nice to meet you. I'm Vayreni, and my friend here is Cka'a. We were directed here to lend our skills to the upcoming House War."

"And what type of skills do you two possess?" Elric inquired.

Cka'a's raspy voice drew the party's attention, "We wield magics of nature and healing in the name of our goddess, Aleria. Vayreni is gifted in-"

"I dabble a bit in various magics, as well as hand-to-hand combat," Vayreni interrupted. "I'm mostly here to keep this one out of trouble. Is there a reason we are being barred from entering?"

"You'll have to forgive our skepticism. We've recently had some troubles with the local Spriggans, and the guards are... well, on their guard. But you do not seem to be of the same... tribe?"

"Grove," Cka'a corrected.

"Grove," Elric repeated, nodding. Then he turned to the other three. "What do you think?"

The Green Folk shrugged, while the Human snorted, leaning against a darkwood staff that he carried. "I'd say they're all the same. Don't trust it."

The Spriggan was about to speak up, when the unknown Half-Elf beat them to it, "Cka'a looks and sounds different than the Spriggans of the Ghost Wood. If they're here to help, then it's not up to us to refuse them passage to the rosters." She blinked green eyes at the two newcomers for a moment. "Have you been asked here by either Lord Maritassi or Lord Cornello?"

"No," Vayreni answered, shaking her head. "We find ourselves in need of coin for travel. Word has spread that people are wanted, so here we are."

"I see," the woman smiled. "Well then, I suggest looking towards House Cornello. I'll be fighting for them, and they paid well in the last House War. I'm Charlotte, by the way." She stuck out a gloved hand.

Vayreni and Cka'a both noticed the curious glances Charlotte got as they each stepped forwards to shake her hand. "Since when are you fighting for Cornello?" The mage asked skeptically.

"Since today," Charlotte replied nonchalantly. "There hasn't been much work in town, and there are some... interesting odds in the favor of Cornello. It may behoove you to join, too." The last statement was directed towards the Human and Uruk.

Then one of the Crimson Guards cleared their throat. "Is this matter, uh, taken care of then?"

"I believe so," Elric nodded, then looked towards Vayreni and Cka'a as the guards parted. "Welcome to Aushire."

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