Playtime's over

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Word count : 944


I groaned in annoyance as the clanking sound of bowls and utensils been rummaging through completely woke me up from my sleep . My hand starts to roam against the bedsheet searching for my phone which apparently is below my pillow . I squinted my eyes as I took a glimpse of the time on it and groaned again while dipping my face against the pillow questioning who ever is in the kitchen is up so early.

The moment i lazily slid off the bed and was about to  give the kitchen a check , the noise stopped. " are you f- mmh " i held myself back from cursing although it's close to slip out off my mouth . I sighed but as soon as i was about to throw my whole body back on the bed , there it is again following by a sound of a glass shattering.

" Thats it ! "

meanwhile at the kitchen

meanwhile at the kitchen

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" Seriously? "

" hwiyoung.. hwiyoung wake up . you gotta help me with this " dawon was pacing back and forth going from cabinet to cabinet in hopes he could find something that's enough to make a racket also wake hwiyoung up  and apparently it worked. " if inseong came nagging from his room towards us , you're on you own " said hwiyoung before he went over to where the cups are placed . Clink clanking them together which got him too overwhelmed by it till he accidentally dropped one of the cups as he bumped elbow to elbow with dawon

" shit ! dawon what do we do " said hwiyoung already panicking he then was about to yell at him for smiling to himself instaed of worrying . " i knew i can count on you "

" w-what -

" whats all this ?! " how stern inseong's voice is coming from the kitchen entrance made them both jump with hwiyoung hiding himself behind dawon . Inseong's eyes were fixed on the shatterd glass . knowing exactly whos glass the boys just broke . Eyes darting back and forth at both of the two younger males . " why are you smiling ? " he asked dawon who calmly and carefully went over to him , wrapping his arm around his shoulder . " relaax inseong , we can always get the manager a brand new mug , the same one he wouldnt even notice " said dawon trying to sound assuring so then he could continue on with his plan .

" we ? we as in .. "


I knew from the loooks of dawon's face the minute he hop off the van that he didnt actually force me to go to the mall with him just to replace the mug and i was right all along . The reason he dragged all the way here is so he can put me up to a task where i have to prank whoever he picks and if i did as i was told id get a hundred bucks .

Doing pranks in public is not really my thing to do knowing that were idols now , people will see the good side of us but not today . I dont even know why I agreed on doing this crappy , childish thing but i still did it . ONLY to claim that hundred bucks from dawon .

Sigh , here goes nothing .


" So , as I discussed this with the others earlier . I want you to walk around the mall hand in hand with these people . Only girls ofcourse. Can you do that ? "

" As long as I dont have to clean up your dirty laundries and i get my hundred bucks like you promised "  I answered before leaving them to complete the mission and while I was at it , I already got 2-3 girls on tape . Helding their hand and got them confused on why the hell I did that . Some of them actually played along and tried to take me away and some of them had boyfriends that tried to knock the shit out off me . Thankfully I was fast to tell them it was all just a prank . If I dont .. I'll never get to see myself on tv ever again .

As I was tracking down the next target , I quickly took my chance and grabbed her hand exactly how I did earlier to the previous girls  but with this one I can feel a spark and my heart starts to skip countless beats as she turned to face me . I didnt know what controlled me but I just instantly closed the distance between us but got stopped as she lightly pushed me away .

" What in the world do you think you're doing ? " Her sweet voice snapped me back to reality and got me tongue tight.

" I-It was just a prank-

" Was all this funny to you ? grow up will you " She attacked walking away leaving me speechless but her words didnt stop me . From wanting to know who she is .

So without hesitating, I went after her .

" Hey , Im sorry okay , I didnt mean it th-

" Forget it , if you're just gonna keep this going till the end of your live i dont see how apologizing is gonna work out "

" Im not what you think I am " I told her which got her to fake a smile . " You'll change sooner or never " and just like that she completely left me .

" I'll show you "

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