Playtimes Over (2)

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" Okay chani , you know what to do right ? " Nodding , Chani with the help of the other members searched for the girl asking here and there for the girl who left me earlier . With me doing the same thing along with Zuho keeping our eyes peeled for her

Can luck really be on my side this time because thats what I really need right now

" Hyung , she could've left a while a go " No . I wont let that happen . Not yet . " Go search that way , I'll look here " I said before we split up searching store by store for the girl

" A fawn haired girl , ocean bluish eyes exactly the height of your daughter have you seen her ? "

Here and there a no is all I get but then ..

" Let go off me you twerp " Smiling , I know exactly whos voice that belongs to . " Thats enough chani " I turned around giving her a grin which obviously made her pissed .

" Thought you already left "

" I was till your friend here drag me back in "

" Thanks chani " I chuckled but stopped as soon as she gave me a death glare yet I wasnt move by that but what did move me is herself . I fell for her . Despite of her fiesty self , I know shes just another soft girl she is .

" I like you "

" Hah , there you go again wit-

" Im not playing around princess " I said half whisper as I got close to her closing the space between us . " I really , really like you " smiling again while tucking a hair behind her ear

" What a cliché " She snort slapping my hand away .

" Im not what you think I am so you better drop it " I said clenching my teeth as hard as my grip to her wrist . " h-hyung "

" Let go off me ! "

" No , you listen here "

" I want you to promise  me you'll be here by christmas eve " before she could protest, I instantly gave her a small kiss on the lip smiling .

" Promise ? "

Too late

" See you when I see you muffins "


Christmast eve ( just pretend it is ..k ? )

Your POV

" What do you mean your not going ? Even those who saw you guys are rooting for you to go and meet him . Its on the news tho I didnt know how actually but you have you to go ! "

" But-

" I'll go with you just in case something happens " Smiling , I gave my sister a one last hell of a hug before finishing what I left off earlier .


" Hyung I dont see her anywhere "

" Well she didnt say she promised or anything . Inseong forced her to " sigh . He got that right .

Wait a second ! I did didnt I

" Come on boys cut that out , lets just wait for her a little more ." Smiled Youngbin whos literally the only one who believe in things that I want to believe.

But wait . Who is th-

" A-are you the guy y/n suppose to meet here ? " No words nor movement I can make as a girl with blood almost all over her body approached me .

" What happend to you ? " I curiously asked while holding her in my arms as she hold onto mine .

" Y/n , she told me to tell you that shes sorry for what she had said to you which ever it is that hurt your feelings . She never meant to say that to you . She just wants to see how sincere your feelings are for her because shes been going through the same love life on and on but to her you were different ."

My heart beats even faster as her words goes deeper and deeper as I start to feel bad vibes .

" S-she loves you "

" ..were her last words "

" Shes dead "

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