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Taeyang's POV

I actually have thought of purposing to y/n but didnt have a chance to and everytime I do have time she always came up with something that made me stop in my place . Tongue tight .

But not this time . I've planned everything with the help of the others . Each and every single day of it made me nervous thinking will it work or not and it gets worse till the very day its about to happen


You , as the special guest were already assigned to a seat the assigned staff prepared for you so there you were sitting alone in the middle having no idea on whats happening as the seats around you was still empty . The only thing thats making the place busy is well obviously the other staffs but not for long as the click clacking footsteps sound can be heard .

Yep its him , Yoo Taeyang . Whos now waving his hands up to you putting on his bright smile like he usually do . " Jagi haaaai " You chuckle waving back with him doing the happy dance he always show you every morning just to wake you up .

And while hes at it , suddenly an incident happened affecting your cheeky boyfriend taeyang who seemed to have hurt his ankle . Little that you know that it is one of his plans to play a trick on you .

Worry starts to build in you but thats didnt end there as your anger starts to heat up as well as you been told to not get close to your taeyang while all you wanted to do is to takecare of him yourself but they just wont let you to . " this is too much ! " you cried capturing attention from the other audience who just came in acting suprise as if they dont understand a thing .

" Please miss , you have to leave this to us . We assure you we will do something about his injuries and get him back on stage " Said the pd doing his best to calm you down . But thats not what you want . Despite of caring for him too much all you wanted to do is to be there with him backstage .

Each time as the time ticks you keep losing time as more people came in filling the empty sits all around you making it more harder for you to leave your seat . Loads of groans left your mouth as you failed to call for the pd before he easily left you with the crowd.

Sooner the crowd become wilder as the music starts to play following by each  one of the members popping out from every direction greeting fans while running to the stage . Your on the other hand didnt even pay attention knowing your man would probably not come out .

Few songs have already been sang till suddenly it came off to a blackout but not for long as the lights on your spot flashed open following by the light on the stage revealing no other than , taeyang .

Singing you your favourite song of all times , the song that fantasies you that someday someone will sing it to you , purposing you in public .

And that happened , right here right now coming off to the second chorus where fans start to keep their eyes on you waiting for you to answer him .

I say will you marry me , I swear that I will mean it I say will you marry me ~

" Jagi , will you marry me ? "

Well .. 😊

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