Father's Day

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  "Have an awesome..No, not that"


"Hope you father's day is like a pancake because..Gah terrible!"

*Double haymaker*

"Can I still beat you up as your father's day surprise?" The punching bag swings side to side in a lack of care.

"Hope your father's day a Blast!!"

*Shotgun uppercut*

The punching bag gets sent flying into the air before crashing down mere inches from the entrance.

"Someone seems to be having a bad day" Xaito says picking up the punching bag. It had a still smoking hole in it.

"Hey Xaito" Yang greets him. "I just can't seem to find a good father's day note I can send to my dad"

"Is it that important you make it that special?"

"Well of course! I don't know if you were living under a rock or something-" Yang pauses.

"Living under a rock?"

"Sorry, I forgot you had a bad..fatherly experience"

"It's fine. What were you gonna say about fathers?"

"They're tough. My dad's even tougher than I am to be honest. Plus they care for us when we're down"

"Interesting. Brawl with me as we talk?"

"Sure. *punch to the head* 

They lead us when we're lost. *haymaker* 

They seem busy but will make time for us too"

"Dust and Grimm, *ducks* 

may break my bones, but *blocks with arms* 

your love keeps me strong"

"That was pretty nice"

"Thanks. That means a lo-" Yang manages to get a clean hit on Xaito. 

"For you I mean. It doesn't sound like something I would say"

"Then how about you stop thinking with your head *charges and tackles* 

and think with you heart. Maybe your fists too. *Ending blow*"

"Thanks. *Catches fist* 

I'll think of it. *Throws Xaito off and shots Dust shot at him* Besides, I have a few hours till he arrives"

"When is he *Polarizes Aegis to block attacks* to arrive?" *Throws a piece of Aegis at Yang*"

"Around 6 *Punches the shard away* Why ask?"

"Cause it's like *Hides behind Aegis and let it drop* five thirty *Charges at Yang with Aegis out front*"

"Five thirty!! *Aegis bangs into Yang's shoulder. Yang is undeterred as Aegis bends from her focused strength* Why didn't you say so?!"

"Uh..you never asked?"

"Flipping Dust! What am I going to do now?!"

"Like I said, follow your heart, maybe throw your fists into it as well"

"What the Dust is that suppo-" Yang freezes as an idea bloomed in her mind. "Perfect! Thank you Xaito" Yang says with a bustling hug.


"I better get going. See you"

"For the best..though I can't say the same for Aegis"


"Mr. Xiao Long! Welcome" Renella greets.

"Thank you! You must be Renella. My little blonde brawler has talked about you. Here, have an apple"

"Oh um thank you. But may I ask why?"

"Well..orange you glad I didn't give you a Grimm egg?"


"Ah ha ha. Thank you.."

"Ah Velvet. You must be Xaito girlfriend right?"

"Yes, that's me" Velvet says with a blush.

"I heard you like jewelry so I bought you a 10 carrot bracelet" Ty says handing her a bracelet made of..carrots.

*Crickets..two crickets..*

"Oh thanks. I think?"

"No problem. It's been a while since I visited Beacon. Why not get gifts for all of my brawler baby's friends? And so I did"

"Dad!" Yang yells greeting him.

"Yang! Been so long. How are you?"

"Better than you'll ever be"

*Ba dum ching*

"Did someone else hear that?" Xaito asks.

"Hear what?"

"Never mind"

"Anyways, I'm sure you know what day it is"

"Old man that married our mom day?" Yang jokes.

*Da dum ching*

"I think I'm hearing things" Xaito says checking his ears.

"Oh you, but your close. Today's father's day right?"

"I thought it was Sunday" says Yang.

*.......yup the crickets left...*

  "We'll just leave you two alone now..." Ruby says in embarrassment. Everyone leaves leaving the two jokers in the room.

"So, what did you get your old man?" Ty asks.

"Well, i was thinking a bit to over the top but i'm sure this will do." Yang approaches her father and gives him a bone crushing hug.

"Ha! Guess you didn't inherit just my hair"

"Happy father's day"

"Thanks Yang. This was the best father's day yet"


A/n: Sorry kinda rushed this chapter.

happy late father's day to all.

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