Growing Evil Prologue

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  The final rounds for the Autumn Festival were well underway. The best brawlers were put to the test against each other. Enertia was one of the few who wasn't inside the stadium at the time. Not many people couldn't describe the action real time so she thought it was best to wait for it to be recorded and voiced over with audio descriptions. To pass some time, she went to the library and studied over some books that were re-written in Braille. Little did she know about the terrible mass catastrophe that was about to happen.

"Dust, Grimm, Ancient Ninja skills and silent maneuvers" Enertia says stretching her arms up. She spent her time looking through old books revised in Braille. "Scrap after scrap. Why did I have to loose my sight?" She sighs as she closes an old scroll. She tried to trace the ink in it and make out some letters but it loo- felt harder than it did. Enertia's sixth sense kicks in. She felt a new presence approaching her, and fast. An evil presence that was way worse than the usual criminal like Roman or Neo. "Dam, what is this darkness?" Enertia asks herself. The darkness began to grow. From a dark speck to a large smudge to a tsunami of evil. Being only able to see objects and people as colors and shapes only made this new sensation even scarier for Enertia. The large dark mass suddenly arcs toward her. "Dust shards" Enertia curses as she flips a table over and hides for cover. Something darker than black engulfs the surrounding area of Enertia. Think of being in the deep dark depths of the sea, you don't know what is in there, maybe sharks, killer jellyfish and the un-explainable ready to swallow you whole and alive. That is what Enertia is inflicted in. A fury of evil and savagery as a massive black blooded tsunami. Enertia was petrified in fear, not able to move a muscle nevertheless even inhale for her next breath. "Someone-" Enertia tries to gasp for her next word. "Help!" she screams out. A passing Grimm bites her neck, cutting the cloth choker she wore. Enertia wanted to bash it away but her body was frozen in a fetus position. It begins to inject something to her. Something unlike a poison nor a saliva based substance. This, was pure Grimm blood. A rare maneuver for even the smartest of Grimm to even attempt. "H-help...please" Enertia cries in a pained gasp. To her sight, all she could see was pure black, crimson dots scattering the darkness. She was starting to fade, pain and darkness consuming her. Death felt imminent, Enertia knew it was too early to die. The ninja code said that a ninja should die fighting for her cause. She was failing at it and it was dishonorable to fail her duty.





The sound of a blade slicing its prey. A blue colored figure with sharp fins on his forearms slice the Grimm at her neck.

"Enertia. I'm here, don't worry!" her savior's voice exclaims.

"S-Srav?" Enertia manages to ask. He blue figure slices away at other Grimm that managed to break away her table barricade. A small gap begins to grow around the twosome.

"Enertia, I'm going to get you out. Hang on for a few seconds" Srav says slashing a clearance path for their escape. In a second, Srav slips Enertia into his arms and climbs up onto a stable remain of the library. He lands onto the roof and sits down with Enertia in his lap.

"You...saved me" Enertia says gaining her strength back. The roars of Grimm can be heard below the couple. A sudden downpour of rain falls upon them, silencing the menacing growls below. The rain smothers and washes away the blood and grime that inflicted Srav, cleansing any remnant of darkness on him.

"Was that wrong? I did save you because..I really like you. Like love you like you. I just didn't know how I could tell you and the timing was so off and-" Enertia silences the running shark toothed mouth of the shark boy with a kiss. She didn't know why it hit her to do such an action but she didn't mind at all. All that mattered was she found her saving grace, even if it had bluish white skin and shark teeth.

Aftermath of the Falling...

A little while after the destruction of Beacon, Srav visits Enertia in her hospital room. A surviving flower from Beacon in his hand and a caring smile on his face. He enters to find Enertia staring out the window. She was looking straight at Beacon, noticing how a dragon made gray figure was emanating the darkness she had narrowly escaped.

"Hey, Enertia?" Srav quietly asks as if not to bother her concentration. Enertia turns to the blue figure.

"Hey Srav. Sorry I was...thinking" Enertia half truth half lies. They sit in silence, the P.A system calling for nurses to other areas, the heart monitor beeping in rhythm to Enertia's heartbeat.

"Um..sorry I'm not really good at this. I brought this tulip as a get well gift" Srav says showing the small tulip to her. Enertia smiles when she sees the small purple petaled orb on a green stick.

"Thanks Srav. I love it." Enertia leans forward to hug Srav. "I feel like a jerk saying this but..I want to take this slow "

"What do you mean?" Srav asks in confusion. He breaks the hug and sits on the edge of the bed.

"I mean this relationship, this reality. I had a feeling you always liked me but having a massive incident like this be our peak of love is just..."

"I understand. Don't worry" Srav says taking her hand. Enertia gasps a little in surprise. "We can meet a few years later if you like. Maybe after we get our own jobs and stuff. I can wait, I even got an application for a job opening. So don't worry about me okay?"

"Srav.." Enertia smiles. Everything was going to be fine. To Enertia, the bluish white figure moves his hands to his neck before taking off a blue tooth shaped object bound with string. "Srav. What is that?"

"It's my baby tooth. I want to give it to you" Srav explains.

"Srav you don't need-" Enertia says trying to stop him. He slowly ties it around her neck. The blue tooth lays against her heart.

"There. Now I'll always be by your side even at your darkest time." Enertia felt tears run down her cheeks. She couldn't hold back how happy she felt.

"Th-thanks Srav. I'll always have you close to my heart now."



Yo and welcome to the new arc that finally ships a favorite shipping of mine, Friction Resistance-er wait I mean Dust Loss, wait crud I meant Blind Shark, featuring Enertia and Srav.
Yes I know I didn't really get to introduce them for the first seasons and such

Ruby: Wait so you're just gonna jump them to when their older?

Well yeah, their story is a bit more epic when they get older. I'll have to try to write about the Autumn festival and stuff later.

Yang: Later? When will that be? People got to know how I knock the block off out of Neon and Mercury.

Weiss: Yeah and what ever happened to the first days of school? You were gonna start with season one and so on right?

Well...things happened Kay?

Blake S4: Yeah like how you forgot to retype up my chapter during the boat episode just because me and the captain talked too much

Ruby: Uh..Blake? Why do you look older?

Yang: And apparently dressed different?

Blake: What are you talking about? I'm right here- who is that?

Dustsicles. Um..Dissapearo!

*Everyone vanishes before they can ask anymore questions*

Enertia: Yeah, why don't we have much of the limelight?

Well cause..I got busy with other characters and the new season five character videos

Srav: Yeah right. It's cause you've been writing about that weird blue haired girl. What's her name? Softie? Saffabaffa?

Safia: It's Sapphire Rose you fish brain!

Srav: Well well well. If it isn't the albino red eyed chick the writer has been lolly gagging for so long. Came for a second serving?

Safia: Shut it. Or I'll have your fins for shark fin soup

Srav: I'd like to see you try.

Easy guys. Look once this arc is done, I'll see what comes to mind okay? Copy-Ganger is a multi series book with new arcs that have none or even little timeline development. Some arcs fits on this weird timeline, others don't. So are we good here?

Safia: I'm fine here. I'm not even your own character here.


Srav: Yeah whatever. But you better make our intros good. And no don't make us science experiments!! We already got like two experimental escapees and we don't need anymore.

Enertia: Agreed.

Make that three..and possibly four after this arc.

Enertia, Safia, Srav and the other RWBY characters: Whhaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!

Nothing! See you readers next time!!!  

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