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"(Y/n)! The letter is here!" my mother calls from the kitchen. I leap, literally, out of my bed and dash to where my mom is. She holds it up in front of her, inspecting it.

"What are you waiting for?" I ask impatiently. "Open it!"

"Alright, alright." She laughs lightly and opens up the letter. She pulls out a small device and places it on the table. The device projects a video in front of us, and we step back to watch.

"Congratulations, young (y/n)! You have been accepted into U.A.! Your performance in the exam was exemplary, you showed a lot of combat strength as well as the will to help others. I am looking forward to working with you as your teacher!" The projection shuts down.

"I... I GOT IN?!" I shout with joy and hug my mother tightly.

"Of course you would, being a hero suits you much better than being a villain." She smiles down at me.

"I'm going to go tell Kaito!" I grab my jacket from the hanger and slip my arms through the sleeves as I make my way to the door.

"Okay, hurry back!" She calls after me.

I slip my feet into my shoes and run out the door, skidding around the corner and out the alleyway. I sprint towards his workshop and slam the doors open with a loud bang. Kaito looks at me, startled.

"What? Is something wrong?" he asks.

"I GOT INTO U.A.!" I practically scream and lunge at him to hug him.

"Wait I'm holding a blowtorch!" He drops it just in time as I hug him.

"Hah, I told you I'd become a hero!" I grin proudly, switching to bragging about getting in.

"Not so fast, you're not technically a hero yet." I pull back from the hug and look at him questioningly.


"You still need to go through all of high school, a lot of training, get your hero license, and join a company. You're still pretty far off from actually becoming a hero." He looks at my now disappointed expression. "That doesn't mean you won't become a hero! Knowing you, you can do anything you set your mind to."

"Maybe not though. I've been thinking lately, and im kind of concerned about villains. I don't want to be recognized when I'm not in my hero costume, which has both a mask and a cloak."

"A mask and a cloak? Like your villain costume?"

"They look nothing alike! I'm not so stupid as to resemble a villain. The colors are different and so is the design and length. It's just like how two pairs of pants don't resemble each other," I explain. I glance at my watch quickly, and notice it's getting a little late. "Gotta head home now. Are we still on for practice tomorrow?" Kaito and I always go down to the forest to train up our Quirks. It's mostly him teaching me technique and new special moves while I help him develop his combative instinct.

"Of course. See you tomorrow." He waves as I walk out of the warehouse and back to my own home.

"(Y/n)!" my mother calls from the kitchen. "Can you go to the store and buy some more pens and lined paper? I'm working on research right now and i just ran out of room in my notebook, and I'm down to the last pen."

"Of course." I nod and head back out after grabbing some money that I saved up.

I reach the store and walk in, browsing the aisles for paper. I find what I'm looking for and pay for it.

As I'm walking out the door I crash into someone who was walking down the sidewalk. I stumble back but my keen sense of balance keeps me on my feet. The person I crashed into falls down though, and I reach out a hand. "Sorry, I should've been looking where I was going." I get a good look at him and realize it's Explosion Boy from the entrance exam. He smacks my hand away and stands up on his own.

"Yeah, you should be looking where you're going," he growls at me. I furrow my brows in annoyance.

"It's you from the entrance exam. Did you get in?" I try to make polite conversation.

"Of course I fucking did, because I have the most powerful Quirk," he snarls. I've had just about enough of his attitude.

"A strong quirk isn't everything, you know. There's a lot more to becoming a hero than beating people up."

His eyes widen at that and I take it as the opportunity to shove past him. "Hey don't walk away from me!" He sends an explosion at my back, but I swiftly dodge and grab his arm.

"Don't try me." I steal his Quirk for just a moment and make mini explosions in my hand. "Plunder is my Quirk, and if you try to fight me again all I have to do is touch you and the fight is over." I give him his Quirk back and release his arm.

"Shut up fucking idiot, you're nothing more than a pebble in my road to becoming the number one hero and surpassing All Might," he retorts and struts off with his head held high. I glare after him and continue on my way.

You know I think I've heard that 'fucking idiot' somewhere befo- OH MY GOD ITS HIM. He's the one who caught me before I collapsed! I mean I didn't expect someone super nice to have done it since they called me names, but I certainly didn't expect him to act like that after helping me. He probably acts on instinct alone, though that doesn't explain the dick personality. How can someone like that hope to actually surpass All Might? Well, people gotta have ambitions I guess. I just hope he's not in my class at U.A.

"Mom! I'm home," I announce my arrival and place the paper and pens on the kitchen table. I hear the shower running from the bathroom. When she get's out she'll see the supplies in the kitchen.

Tomorrow I'll train with Kaito, so tonight I should get as much sleep as possible. The first day of U.A. is just around the corner, and who knows what surprises it will bring?

Author's Note: Yeah, I know this chapter was kinda boring, but I promise there will be more Bakugou x you in the next chapter. Not to mention a little more excitement as you meet your classmates for the first time. See you in the next chapter!

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