First Day

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"(Y/n)! Get up, it's your first day!" my mom calls from down the hall.

I groan and pull my blankets off of me, climbing out of bed reluctantly. My uniform is hanging in the closet and I grab it and walk to the bathroom to get ready.

I finish tying the tie and adjust my uniform. It's pretty basic, a simple dark green skirt, a grey jacket over a white dress shirt, and a red tie. I button the jacket and walk out of the bathroom and to the kitchen, where my mom has made breakfast for me.

"Thanks for the meal," I say and dig in. I should have everything I need for the first day, though I'm a little nervous. Who wouldn't be? It's all new kids with all different Quirks, and my pretend Quirk can't be developed as well as theirs can.

Plunder can only do so much, and isn't useful going solo or dealing with range attacks. Even if I'm in a team, I would have to render one of my comrades Quirkless in order to actually help the team. I guess I could take someone's Quirk if they're too injured to fight, otherwise I would just have to train my body to be able to fight without a Quirk.

"I'm leaving now, by mom! See you when I get home." I wave to my mother before leaving the house and starting my walk to school.

~ Time Skip ~

I enter class 1-A and, to my disappointment, Blasty is here. He doesn't notice me since he's mid argument with another student. I quietly sigh, this year is going to be interesting. I head to my seat and observe the classroom.

I should at least try to make friends here. I'm not the most outgoing person, but making one or two friends shouldn't be too hard. I can't stand out here, or else my secrets might be discovered. I need to blend in.

A boy walks into the classroom. He has dark, curly hair. A girl walks in after him. She looks nice. Maybe I could be friends with them. But suddenly Blasty turns his head sharply and glares at the curly haired boy. Okay... maybe not. I don't want Blasty to hate me anymore than he already does.

I keep looking around the class and spot a red head hanging out with that lightning Quirk guy. They seem fairly normal.
I'm about to approach them when our teacher (literally) rolls into the classroom.
"It took you all 8 seconds to quiet down, which is too long. You'll learn that time is valuable."
The whole class stares in shock at the man in a yellow sleeping bag on the floor. Our teacher unzips his sleeping bag and steps out of it, walking to the front of the room. Everyone immediately takes their seats.
"I am 1-A's homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta," he starts. "After attendance everyone will change into their P.E. uniforms and we will be having a Quirk apprehension test outside."

~ Time Skip ~

Class 1-A stands together in a group outside the school building.

"Bakugou, come over here and demonstrate." Aizawa motions for Blasty to go to him.

"It's the same as the physicals tests you did in junior high, but now you're allowed to use your Quirks. Bakugou, how far could you throw a softball in junior high?"

"67 meters," he grunts.

"Now throw it using your Quirk." Aizawa hands Blasty the softball and he steps into the circle. "Anything is allowed as long as you stay in the circle, feel free to get as creative as you want."
The class watches as Blasty winds up a for a hard throw, adding a huge explosion to boost the ball. It goes flying out of view.

"This class will test the limits of your abilities," our teacher says and holds up a device that measured how fall the ball went, it reads over 700 meters. My eyes widen with surprise, that was impressive. "You will be ranked in each test. Whoever ends up with the lowest overall rank will be expelled."

The class looks shocked at this, but everyone is ready to do their best.

I spend the day observing everyone's Quirks before I take any of the tests. Once I have a good idea about who has what Quirk, I get ready for the softball through. Before I take the ball from Aizawa, I walk over to a girl with short brown hair. I tap her shoulder, rendering her Quirkless and mapping her Quirk. I rearrange my genes to give myself her Quirk, which can eliminate the pull of gravity on anything she touches with all five fingers. No one knows my Quirk yet.

I take the ball from our teacher. He knows what my pretend Quirk is, so he understands what I'm doing. I walk into the circle and reel my dominant arm back with the ball in hand. I activate the girl's Quirk and remove the pull of gravity from the ball and then throw it. The ball goes flying in the air, not being pulled back to the ground.

"Infinite," says our teacher.

"What's your Quirk?" the red-haired boy asks me.

"Plunder. I can take the Quirk of anyone I touch. I can use the Quirk as long as I want, and the person who's Quirk I took is rendered Quirkless until I return it to them." I walk back over to the brown haired girl and tap her shoulder again, giving her Quirk back.

~ Time Skip ~

The trials are over, I came out in first since I could use anyone's Quirk so I got exceptional results in all the tests. The boy who came in last looks like he might pee himself. I feel a little bad for him, but the weak don't belong in the top class.

"The threat of expulsion was only a ruse to get everyone to try their hardest," our teacher announces suddenly.

People start to talk about how worried they were about being expelled.

"I actually believed I was going to be expelled if I got last," says the red-haired boy to me as he approaches my side.

"Yeah, I totally thought that kid was going to be a goner." I motion to the freckled boy with green hair who ended up in last.

"I'm Kirishima Eijirou, by the way."

"(L/n) (y/n), nice to meet you," I reply.

The class heads back inside to continue our first day at U.A. I can only hope that the days to come won't hold any troubles.

Author's Note: Or will they...? Anyways, next chapter is going to be the mock villain fights with All Might! I wonder who you'll be paired up with??? Find out in the next chapter!

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