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"Fighting villains isn't the only job of a hero. They also have to take part in rescue missions caused by natural disasters," our teacher says. Our hero costumes suddenly slide out of the wall. "We will be taking a field trip today, it's optional whether or not to wear your costume or the regular P.E. uniform. Whatever it is, change and meet by the busses."

I'm totally wearing my costume. Though parts of it were destroyed in Bakugo's explosion, they were easy fixes since the shirt and pants material wasn't anything super special. I grab it and hurry to change with the rest of the kids.

~ Time Skip ~

We're all on the bus in our seats. The only one not in their costume is Midoriya. His costume was half destroyed by the major explosion I fired off in the villain vs. hero mock battles.

Midoriya, your Quirk is a lot like All Might's, isn't it?" says Tsuyu, a girl with a frog Quirk.

"H-huh?" Midoriya stutters nervously. He's hiding something, but it's best not to pry.

"Of course not, All Might doesn't injure himself when he fights," Kirishima corrects her, and Midoriya seems to sigh with relief.

I sit quietly, still slightly distraught over my feelings for Bakugo. I chose a seat on the bus as far away from his as I could be. I'm essentially at the front of the bus, next to Mina and across from Sato.

I've never done anything like rescuing, and it sounds boring. It's way easier and more straightforward than fighting. Of course, if I'm going to be a hero I'm going to need to help out in natural disaster rescue situations as well as villain fights.

I sigh and place my head in my chin, ignoring the other students as they tease Bakugo for his shitty personality.

I'm kind of thankful for him being an asshole, because if he had a good personality everyone would swoon over him. Also it's feels amazing when the asshole is only nice to the girl he likes.

"How can you argue when you practically blew up (l/n)?" I hear Kaminari say.

"She fucking deserved it for getting in my way!" Bakugo yells back.

Yeah, I'm not that girl.

~ Time Skip ~

I tune out Thirteen when she starts to talk, looking around the vast area. All different scenarios. A ship wreck, a blizzard, burning buildings, landslides, and many more. But down in the center I notice something weird, a black mist appears, growing in size.

"Sensei! What is that?" I call out, interrupting Thirteen and pointing at the black mist.

Aizawa and Thirteen turn around just as villains appear from the walls of black mist. I quickly pull up my hood to hide my features. I don't recognize anyone here.

"Students, stay back!" Aizawa says. Half the class is terrified, the other half in complete shock.

"You can't take them all on! Your Quirk is meant for one on one fights or stealth mission, not taking on a group of people!" Midoriya calls out from the crowd.

"A hero has more than one trick up their sleeve." And with that our teacher pulls on his goggles and runs towards the villains.

"How did they get in without the alarms going off?" Someone mutters.

That black mist... I think I recognize it.

"We need to contact the school, is anyone's phone working?" Thirteen asks.

"The single is jammed!" Someone announces.

"Then everyone get to the exit! If one person can get out and contact the teachers... we have to try!" Thirteen yells and everyone turns heels towards the exit, wanting to get away from the villains.

I go with them, but constantly look over my shoulder at the villains.

Suddenly the black mist appears in front of us, having a form take place. The mist is clearly his Quirk, it must be able to teleport things, or open warp gates or something like that.

"Everyone stay ba-" Thirteen starts, but two students charge at the villain.

Bakugo and Kirishima attack the seemingly intangible villain. Wait a minute... The villain dodges their attack, which means he must have a physical form he's trying to protect or he wouldn't have had to move.

Suddenly the black mist grows and encircles everyone. What is he doing? I charge at the villain now. If I can just get a hand on him! I extend my arm, trying to just tap his physical form, it's hidden under this mist somewhere!

But I don't have time to do so, as I'm teleported away before I can reach him. "Damn it!" I yell as I reappear in an abandoned building. Kirishima and Bakugo are at my sides.

"(L/n)!" Kirishima says as he sees me. "Hurry and get out of here, Bakugo and I can handle the villains!"

"You'll just die if you stay, you fucking weakling," Bakugo mutters.

That flips a switch inside of me. "I beat you before, I think I can easily beat a bunch of nobodies," I growl. "Using a Quirk or not."

The villains start to enclose us, surrounding from all sides. The three of us stand back to back.

"No matter what I do, don't help me," I whisper to the other two, a plan up my sleeve.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" Bakugo hisses.

I charge at a villain, acting as reckless as possible. He grins and transforms his fingers into blades, reaching out to slice me up. In the last second I slide underneath his blades and kick him in the shin, taking his Quirk. His hands almost instantly revert back to fingers.

"Your Quirk..." The villains turns around and holds up an arm to the other villains. "Wait," he says to them and stares at me.

Oh no.

"I know her."

Author's Note: Ahhh I love this arc so much!!!! It's probably my favorite to write since there's so many interesting villains and fights and it's so cool. Anyway, left ya guys on a cliff hanger, stay tuned to find out what happens next! Will your true identity be revealed? Or will you have to revert back to inhuman ways to keep your secret?

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