Obstacle Race

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It's the beginning of the sports festival, and after hours upon hours of training with Bakugo I believe I'm ready to win. One of the main reasons I trained with him was to study his fighting style to come up with a strategy to beat him. I have a vague one, and the chances of it working are slim. But Bakugo isn't the only strong opponent, and as our class enters the arena my gaze lands on Todoroki, who I'm fairly certain I would lose instantly against if we had to fight one on one.

The first years' attention turns to the pro hero who just walked on stage, Midnight, the R-rated Hero.

She announces the first round is an obstacle course. It makes sense, a race would be the easiest way to eliminate a lot of people. It should be easy, I just have to figure out who is going to have to go through this Quirkless. I know everyone in my class with an emitter or transformation type Quirk will stay away from me in the beginning, so I have to choose from the other first years. Glancing around I can't tell any of their Quirks by their looks. Seems like I'll have to see what I can do during the obstacle race itself.

The first years line up behind the start line, I push my way through the crowd, stealing Quirks for a fraction of a second to analyze them. They're all interesting, but I can't find one I like. I can't find one I'm assured will be useful. I don't even know what the obstacles will be.

The race is about to start, and I figure I'll make it up as I go. I push forward in the crowd. The race starts, and I sprint forward. I'm almost through the crowd when a slick of ice spreads underfoot. I jump onto the person in front of me as their feet freeze into the ground, and knock them over as I sprint across the ice. It's slippery no doubt, but the rubber soles on my shoes provide enough grip. I skid here and there but manage to stay with the rest of the leading pack as we race forward, Todoroki in front.

We reach our first obstacle, the robots from the entrance exam looming over us. Even Todoroki slows for a moment, but only to send a wave of ice towards the robots to freeze them in place. I sprint forward to catch up, not sure why everyone else seems to hesitate.

As I'm about to run between the legs of the robots, I hear a deafening cracking sound as ice shatters above me and the robots begin to topple over. I push my legs faster, but lose my footing and slide across the ice like a baseball player about to reach home plate. I scramble to my feet and dive out from under the robots as the metal crushes the ground where I just was. I look back at the disaster I narrowly dodged, but quickly turn back to the course as I push to my feet and continue on as the rest of the first years begin to catch up. I can't fall behind so early.

I keep pace with those who can't increase their speed with their Quirk, which is disappointing since there's no good Quirks to plunder.

Eventually we come to the next obstacle. Ropes stretch over giant gaps, and we have to use them to cross. Todoroki has created a path of ice over the ropes, but no one wants to use the ice covered ropes since it'll be slippery. I remember a Quirk I analyzed and search the other students for the one with the Quirk. I spot him and purposefully bump into him on my way to the icy ropes. His Quirk is being able to fuse and unfuse things, and it gave me an idea. I scoop up a handful of rocks and fuse them to the bottom of my shoes to form makeshift cleats. I then sprint across the ice, hoping that I'm not too far behind.

I reach the other side and take the rocks off my shoes to make running more comfortable. I can feel my stamina draining a bit and hope the last obstacle isn't too exerting. I see it come into view. A minefield?! Even Todoroki is going slow because he doesn't want to use his ice to give a path to the other competitors. I start to pick my way through the mines, looking at the other students near me. Any quirks I could use? But if they could go faster they would. I see Uraraka making her way through the course. She can float herself, can't she? I saw her do it during training. I pick my way behind her to steal her Quirk without her noticing. If I can push off her I can travel faster than I am on the ground.

I tap her gently on the shoulder, startling her to a halt. I make myself float, grab her shoulder, and throw myself forward, flying above the mines. I don't need anything to keep my speed, I just have to worry about hitting someone. I feel the contents of my stomach churn as the side effects of her Quirk make me queasy. I almost run into someone but grab them and use them as another push off.

I can't keep going, and I release myself. I tumble to the ground and onto a mine, blowing my up into the air. I go flying upwards, and swivel around in the air to put my feet under me. I make myself weightless before I hit the ground, and release myself into a safe spot, working my way the last few yards out of the minefield. By no means am I first, Midoriya had already flew over me and Todoroki and Bakugo were up there with him and several other first years. I manage to cross the finish line at 17th place. I catch my breath before joining the rest of the finishers.

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