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It wouldn't be hard to take away his power, he already trusts me, especially now that I'm at UA. But I could never take away his power. I'm not a villain anymore, and he's the one that convinced me to become a hero.

Unlike his father, he's actually a hero. Or becoming one, at least. He's in my year, but is enrolled in the Hero course at Shiketsu. The main reason he's the polar opposite of All For One is because he doesn't actually know who his father is. He was adopted by a powerful hero family after his Quirk was discovered.

His Quirk is more powerful than any I've come across, and when I was sent to kill him I was excited for a challenge.  But that mission... it changed my life.

But I have until the end of the month to figure things out, and for now I need to focus on the sports festival, which is coming up next week. I'll have to put him out of my mind for now. Maybe I'll ask Mina if I can train with her, she's strong and a relatively strong fighter. Not to mention she's easier to get along with than a certain someone.

For now though, I return to studying. I'll ask Mina about training tomorrow. Maybe I should confront Bakugo too... No, that would come off as too suspicious. But not talking to him would also imply he figured something out. You know what, whatever. I'll deal with it tomorrow. He doesn't seem like the type to rat me out anyway.

Maybe there's a way to explain away how I can get rid of a Quirk so easily, but it would have to be something that's a weakness, or else it wouldn't make sense why I would keep it a secret.

Fuck, I'm getting distracted again. This is why my grades are slipping, I can never keep my focus. Especially with everything getting tense with my father and at school. And my crush on Bakugo.

I physically jolt upright, the memory of my acknowledgement of my crush coursing through me like waves of electricity. Damn, I had forgotten. If only I didn't remember, then things wouldn't have gotten that much more complicated. God why does he have to be so attractive, if he didn't have looks going for him he'd be so much more unlikeable. But no! This boy had to have perfect genes. And a perfect body.

Nopenopenope that's it I'm going to bed, that enough of that train of thought. I am so not going to think about his abs anymore. Or how his hero costume should be more revealing. NOPE.

I flop into my bed, only bothering to take off my shoes and not even change out of my villain costume. I close my eyes and fall asleep almost instantly.

~Time Skip~

I enter the classroom and take my seat. I really need to burn my villain costume, I can't have someone finding that in my closet. I find myself staring absentmindedly at the back of Bakugo's head and quickly turn my eyes down to my desk, not wanting to be caught staring at him.

Midoriya arrives and takes his seat between me and Bakugo, and I'm thankful that at least one distraction is out of the way.

Class begins and I'm zoning out the entire time, absentmindedly copying down what's on the board while my thoughts wander to Kinoshita Jinyo, the son of All For One. He's excessively righteous in a way that would normally piss me off, but he's an ideal hero in every way. I don't know what compelled me that day to hesitate to attack him. Maybe it was the amount of hero merchandise that filled his room, or the fact that it was all heroes I had either put out of commission or killed. It had me taken aback a little, was he fans of the heroes before I attacked them? Or did he collect their merchandise after they were hurt?

I snap back into reality as English lessons begin, since this is my worst subject, I suck at foreign languages.

~Time Skip~

After class I consider approaching Mina again, but decide against it. For the time being I'll train on my own to become quicker and stronger. I gather up my things and head out the door. My mind is racing the entire walk home. I just can't think of a good explanation that explains away my hesitation when Bakugo started questioning my Quirk! Nothing fits, I can't think of anything that makes perfect sense. And it's not like I can convince him to forget it!

Or maybe I can...

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