Part 30

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I wake up to the light falling upon my face through the mere space between the curtains, sitting up on the bed the first thing flashing in my head was- what am I even doing? In the meanwhile, I hear a mild crying sound from the next room and guessed that derek was crying; for some reason ofcourse. I walk up to his room and he seemed nowhere around where he suddenly appears from the balcony wiping his eyes.

"You crying?"

"Um, just some old stuff let it go..." he smiled.

He was getting ready, changing in the washroom and I was sitting on the couch next to his bed. I really wanted to talk to him about rachael; but he never seems interested. But I thought of giving it another try.

"Derek please can I ask you something?"

"Sure unless it's about my personal life." He replied from the washroom.

"Why won't you tell me? I need to know about rachael cox!! I need to know what had happened...why my brother wanted to kill you?!"

"What?" He twinched.


'Chris wanted to kill me?"

I was done, done for good. But at least I could tell him what Loslin had said me. I repeated the whole thing to him, in detail whatever I knew and tried to get the rest of the answers from him.

"Bro was all rude you know...but if he had troubled dustin for you...then why would he tell him to kill you after?"

"He's a b***** you see..."

"Tell me."

"You got the point Clem, now you'll find the murderer."


"Your dad, he got killed...that murderer."

"You know that guy?"


Derek's P.O.V --- storyline

I was always that one guy who was most concerned about clementine's brother. Chris was nothing more than a disgrace to the institution and nobody couldn't least care about him. Other than his such qualities, he was always fond of being a fame digger. Chris was a drug addict, no one knew except for me; and the most prominent way of fame digging that a drug addict could think of was all nasty. Going to clubs, drinking in pubs, buying drugs secretly, riding girls...that's all he actually knew. Yeah, Dustin was one of Chris's friends; but think about it. Why would a decent guy like Dustin get friends with Chris? The whole campus knew the way Chris was. It was no new thing. Dustin was not economically resolved and had quite bad grades in all of his subs, which apparently made him get under a lot of mental pressure from his family. He thought of using Chris's friendship for the million-dollar credit card. Money=friendship. Nothing more than that, and only Dustin knew why he was doing this; not Chris. Chris was already retarded in every way and that made him underestimate Dustin too. Chris saw him a couple of times trying to steal his credit card from places, and they had a deal for doing that fairly.

What deal was made that day:

11:56 pm, hostel room. Oxford university.

"Hey Dus, you try'na get some credit card?" Chris walks past the door dangling his credit card between his index and middle finger and heads towards Dustin who was with his hand inside Chris's coat hanging upon the wardrobe. "Look dude, I-I am--" Dustin stammered and light sweat beads had started to appear upon his forehead. "We're all cool, don't sweat bud...let's just do a teeny-tiny deal." Chris grinned. "What deal?" "You get me drugs safely and I give you my credit card." He screeched.

Chris made this deal for a reason. As I told the whole campus knew what he was doing, of course there were complains against him. He was kept under strict supervision and it had become nearly impossible for him to buy drugs. But after all, he was needing drug. Desperate. If Dustin had brought him those, he could use Chris's credit card for free. Chris was a despo, Dustin was taking full advantage of that. Now comes the next fact...

"You looking for some nasty stuff?" an unknown voice arises from the back of Dustin as he was trying to get to the drug guy next a few blocks of the campus. "Um, what nasty?" Dustin asked back trying to cover up. "D.R.U.G.S," he spelled and said, "This nasty thing."

From then on, this guy was the one who traded drugs to Chris through Dustin. Jokerio. The drug dealer of the best qualitied drugs. All types of drugs. All. One day, Dustin got creeped out of the thing he was actually doing, having a feeling that he might get involved with drugs; where he already late to realize I'll say. He had made good friends with Jokerio but was never more unsecured to move around with him, he was drug dealer after all. *sighs* Jokerio had given him a gun for some reasons, related to your brother. Your brother was out of control. Merely anyone could get cool about him. Dustin had wanted to stop this by talking to your was too late I guess...

"Chris, I wanted to say something." Dustin stammers as Chris looked up to him. "Spit it out homie." He grinned. "I don't think it's all right doing these..." He said without looking up. "What these?" "This drug thing, I don't wan'na do this anymore...I don't need your credit card. I am sorry." He sighed. No one knows what happened to Dustin after that.

And the thing that you're saying Dustin came to me for help, um nope. He didn't. And banging my She left me for Chris. Chris, his money, his everything...and she ended up miserable but I love her. But couldn't keep her back. She committed suicide. And Chris wanted me killed 'cause he was too in plan of digging up Rachael in his drug-bringing thing and if I had got to know about that, he'd have been screwed. As I told you, Rachael ended up miserable. And the gun...Bam, Dustix is some guy who got it...I don't know how and was storming out Adrian's place remember...uncle said...that's how it went.

----End of story line----

"That's all?"


My eyes got dark out as he said that. There was more to it; even more.

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