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       I look out my window at Jake; he was cleaning the fan items off his front yard. He has on a muscle shirt with my favorite band on it, Imagine Dragons. I told him that a few days ago and ever since he’s been obsessed with them. It was cute how interested he was in every little bit of my life I told him. His laugh made me melt and his smile seemed to have brightened up my day all the time. Jake was simply what I was waiting for but I couldn't let him know that. No one could know. I have an image. I have a weak heart. If he were to ever break out, I don’t think I’d ever heal.

“Hey.” Jace says walking into my room, “your mom let me in.”

I hug him quickly. “It’s good to see you. You've been avoiding me lately.”

He frowns. “Well you've been spending all your time with Hollywood.”

I roll my eyes. “His name is Jake and if you gave him the time of day…you’d see he’s a good person.”

     He walks towards the window and looks down at Jake who’s still cleaning his yard.  Jace sighed and pulled me to him. Our chests were touching, his cold breath pressing against my skin. I wanted to pull away but suddenly I became weak. I was paralyzed. I knew what he was going to do but yet I didn't want to pull away. Standing there looking up at him made me realized he needed this. He needed me; else slowly Jace would lose every bit of the good ness inside him. 

“Just one kiss” he whispered moving his lips closer to mine. 

I nod quickly without thinking. He kissed me, his lips moving faster than mine. I could feel his tears hitting my cheek. He wrapped his arms around my waist, why couldn't I pull away? Why was I just standing here lifeless? Then I remembered, Jace didn't’ come here to make up. He came here to make Jake angry, that’s why he opened the curtains. That’s why he looked out there in the first place. Jake had seen everything. 

“I hate you!” I yell at him and run out my house. 

Jake was sitting on his front porch, tears pouring out his brown eyes. “I thought you were different. Every one of you girls is the same. You make someone put all their trust in you and you let them down.”

I step closer to him. “He kissed me; I have no feelings for him. You know that Jake.”

He shakes his head. “I saw how you looked at him. I saw you kissing him back. I’m sorry 

Mac but we’re done.”

I could feel the tears rushing to my eyes. “Fine. You’re just another reason for me never wanting to fall in love again.”

           I ran away before he could say anything else. I was done. I didn't kiss Jace, I didn't intend to. Jake needed to believe that and if he couldn't…fine. I wasn't going to fight for something I didn't want in the first place. Love is beautiful but it’s also the most destructive thing in the world. 

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