Moving Day

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    I can't believe I'm actually going along with this. I blame Jake whose so optimistic about all of this. I was moving a state away. Our flight wasn't till six in the afternoon so my friends managed to come over after school. Even Jace came. He knew I would hate him if he didn't come to say goodbye.

"Awh Mac, I won't have anyone to have stupid girly moments with." Nikki says laying on my bed.

Jace looks at me. "First you fall inlove with another guy and then you move across the country. The universe hates me."

I hug him. "You were a pain in the butt Jace but you're still my best friend. Forever and always."

Kyle joins in on the hug. "Please stay, beg your parents."

I laugh. "I did, a billion times. They won't change their minds."

"Where's Jake?" Nikki asks.

"He'll be here soon. This sucks you know. I'm suppose to graduate highschool with you guys. Then we go to college and graduate. Kyle and Nikki gets married. Then Jake and I. Jace will meet a hot blond and finally get over his childhood crush."

Jace laughs. "Like thats possible."

The tears came fast. "Gosh I'm going to miss you guys, so much."

    We all huddle and wrap our arms around eachother. Please wake up Mac. Let this be a dream. It isn't.

"Mac, we leave in ten. We can't miss this flight." Dad shouts from downstairs.

I wipe my cheek. "I love you guys, with all my heart."

"You'll come back after you graduate, please tell me you will." Jace mumbles.

I kiss his cheek. "Hold me to it."

      We carry my bags down the stairs and out to the car. Dad shoves everything into the trunks and turns to look at me. 

"I'm sorry to be doing this. It's just a really great oppurtunity. You understand that, right?" he says. 

I nod. Where's Jake? I hadn't seen him since yesterday. I even knocked on his door but he wasn't home. "It's fine dad."

           He tussles my hair and I walk back over to my friends.

"Here comes Prince Charming." Nikki says and I turn to face Jake. 

   He kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck. I could feel his hands around my waist. I forgot that my family and friends are around us. In this moment, he was all that mattered.

"I'll see you soon okay. I promise. I did live in California." He whispers.

I smile. "I guess this is goodbye then, for now."

             I kiss him one more time. I follow my sister into the car and wave at them out the window. I could see them running behind the car until they fade away. There gone and my heart breaks a little. The only comfort I had was what Jake said. We would see each other again.

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